Saw Palmetto and...


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What is the best supplement to take with Saw Palmetto? I can not use Propecia as I'm under age. I was thinking Zinc, because I read it somewhere but I'm not entirely sure, because they're supposedly to do the same thing.


Brains Expel Hair

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You say you are underage? Are you already losing significant amounts of hair? If not you should be wary about taking supplements that potentially modulate your hormonal levels during development. The teens are some important years in body growth and you should be careful with what you do to screw with your internal functioning.

somone uk

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sounds like hair maturing
saw palmetto doesn't work, it's a myth it has always been a myth, it's not illigal to lie about the effects of herbal meds so everyone who makes herbal meds will lie
go see a doctor about hair loss but i bet your hairline is just maturing, like 99% of people during puberty


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No, but my hair really does feel thin. Maybe not after a wash with Nizoral shampoo but the day after I just run my hands through my hair and I can feel how thin the strands of hair are.

I mean look at my story (around 7 months old) I went to the doctor about that. You know what they told me?

"You wont be loosing your hair yet, your too young. It doesn't normally happen until late 20's"

thats all the advice they could give me. And becuase I have been to a few other doctors who have all said the bald patch in the centre of my head is my crown. I can't go to the doctors anymore because they all think I'm mad.

So I really want advice on what I should take.

I dont care what gets messed up in my body. To me my hair is more important. I have social anxiety, and It wilol be sevre if i went blad early.

somone uk

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you are a diffuse thinner imo, your hairline has matured a little but like the patterned area is thinner than the other areas, i would go to the doctor and get a blood test to see if your thyroid is playing up or if you're low on iron, ask him for a ferratin and tell him you want a level of at least 100 (doctors call 20-300 normal but tricologists say you need at least 100 for adequate hair growth)
in the mean time maybe get some minoxidil, it should help