Saw Palmetto - is it working?


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I have been fighting with hair loosing from over a year - I've tried many things without any effects. Now I want to try sth new. I know that finasteride is recommended by many of you ( but I have to admit that I'm little afraid of his side affects ). Apparently Saw Palmetto has the same affect on DHT as finasteride. Is it true? Do you think that taking Saw can help? And maybe I sholud take sth more? Thx for advice :)


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It do the same, and therefore it give the same sides >.< Its just less weak and tested so its more unsafe


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ok heres my take on SP. Used it and combinations with it in for years, usually around 1000 - 2000 mg's, and i also did a year with just beta sitosterol, which is supposibly the active chemical in it.

firstly, the problem is because it has been shown in small studies to shrink the prostate in case of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and because finasterides first use was for that, (and still is at 5mg), then people have extrapolated that to mean that sp therefore must also block dht, and therefore stop male pattern baldness.

But, SP might work for enlarged prostate in a totally different way, other than blocking DHT, and even if it does work the same way, it doesnt mean it will block dht in hair follicles. So these myths perpetuated no doubt by SP companies, have all these companies claiming 'sp is equivalent to finasteride, but because it is natural it has no side effects'.

BS BS BS bullshit!

It hasnt been proven to work like finasteride, it hasnt been proven to have no side effects, and if it does block the conversion of T into DHT, then it should have the same side effects. Being natural doesnt mean there are no side effects.

When i used it i got nothing but shedding that never stopped, until i stopped using it, and no regrowth, and no noticeable change in hair status, other than less hair.

Having said that some people claims it works for them, and i believe them ( although there is so much corrupt testimonials, its hard to know which ones to believe) The problem, is u dont know if it will work, and most probably youll just keep shedding. And youll never know the correct dose cos of lack of studies, so u might just be taking the incorrect dose.

better off using finasteride where u know the dose, u know the response, and u know wat to expect with side effects.


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congratulations, this topic has never been discussed before.


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congratulations, this topic has never been discussed before.

i really really really hope u r being sarcastic, or taking the piss, because as u all know, saw palmetto has been discussed a million times.

no matter what people say, or try to sell u, the fact remains theres no proof it helps male pattern baldness, no proof it reduces DHT, theres limited evidence to suggest it shrinks benign prostatic hyperplasia, but that doesnt mean anything at all for male pattern baldness. And even if it did lower DHT, theres no proof it lowers scalp DHT, or lowers sensitivity for DHT, theres no proof it does anything other than give u expensive pee, and f*** around with ur prostate enough to make u dribble.

no person can prove it helped them even if they say it did, no good before after photos with consistant lighting and angles.

all we can really say for sure, is that some people experience a never ending shed with it. and some people cant stop dribbling while on it. So forget about saw palmetto, if it really did anything helpful for male pattern baldness, we would have some sort of evidence by now.


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My results.

I previously used spironolactone 100mg day (with nizoral 2%). Stopped shedding and started regrowth. But it caused other problems so...

I reduced spironolactone to 25mg day and 2 saw palmetto pills.

By the 3rd month (with nizoral 2%) my shedding was down from 200 a day to about 70 a day. No regrowth though but greatly reduced shedding.

Idk if it works alone. But I think its helping the spironolactone. Plus notice it took 3 mos to see a real difference.

Oh and mines is the Walmart brand that includes the Pygeum, Beta sistosterol and other supposedly dht blockers.


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Well said anxious1. Cocking about with beta sis/saw palmetto is nuts.

Natural does not equal safe.


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Beta Sitosterol (phytosterols) plant sterols works for me.
no regrowth just stop sheding.
it lowers DHT .


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anxious1 said:

congratulations, this topic has never been discussed before.

i really really really hope u r being sarcastic, or taking the piss, because as u all know, saw palmetto has been discussed a million times.

He was obviously being sarcastic.
Gotta love n00bs. The search button works. There's also an FAQ.

I also agree with your viewpoint about SP. I'd like to see some studies where serum DHT levels where effectively reduced by taking it.

Reminding everyone that the supplement industry is full of horseshit and snakeoil, like Provill*us.



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For me saw palmetto gave me an effect like finasteride sexual sides it made my itch go away and basically did what I thought propecia would be like. That being said I kept losing hair, had no idea if it worked or made things worse and ended up quitting because I figure why not get propecia since we know it works? Saw palmetto seems like a very weak version of propecia that will not do anything for serious hair loss maybe if you had very slight slow hair loss.


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Be careful. Known to inflame the liver and cause liver problems in some.

If you use it, you NEED to get liver tests done by your dr at least every 3 mos.

Nashville Hairline

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rwhairlosstalk said:
Be careful. Known to inflame the liver and cause liver problems in some.

If you use it, you NEED to get liver tests done by your dr at least every 3 mos.
Where did you read that? I've read tons on SP but have never seen it mentioned.

I'll say this again, though: its WORTHLESS for hair.


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will saw palmetto give u b**ch tits?

NO. If you want b**ch tits, estrogen is the bomb. It will bind to the male estrogen receptors in the breast very fast and very effectively giving you that wonderful full bra look in no time making you a guy with tits. Now you got girly nipples to play with any time of the day, and you won't get slapped in the face. A boy hood dream come true!


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I started taking the potent extract of SP but started getting sides after a week. Normal boner-duty has resumed now but i would've liked to have kept it going.


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Hey ukmale24 -

I am from Canada and am 29.

I tried everything for years including Saw Palmetto and absolutely no success.

I tried to avoid finasteride like the plague as I was terrified of the side effects.

Forums like these didnt help as they heightened anxiousness.

I finally started finasteride 3 months ago and at a very low dose 0.625mg per day (1/8) Proscar tablet and I am seeing regrowth with absolutely no side effects.

I combine with Minoxidil and Nizoral / Nioxin Shampoos as myregime.

I took SP for 2 years with Minoxidil and no luck. It did heighten my Bilirubin levels which was not good.

Please feel free to take a look at my story in success stories and all the best,



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Nashville Hairline said:
rwhairlosstalk said:
Be careful. Known to inflame the liver and cause liver problems in some.

If you use it, you NEED to get liver tests done by your dr at least every 3 mos.
Where did you read that? I've read tons on SP but have never seen it mentioned.

I'll say this again, though: its WORTHLESS for hair.

I forgot but I've researched extensively including blogs and read this happened to 2 different people. Remember the fda does not regulate nor do we know the long term sides.

Thats enough for me.


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amff said:
Hey ukmale24 -

I am from Canada and am 29.

I tried everything for years including Saw Palmetto and absolutely no success.

I tried to avoid finasteride like the plague as I was terrified of the side effects.

Forums like these didnt help as they heightened anxiousness.

I finally started finasteride 3 months ago and at a very low dose 0.625mg per day (1/8) Proscar tablet and I am seeing regrowth with absolutely no side effects.

I combine with Minoxidil and Nizoral / Nioxin Shampoos as myregime.

I took SP for 2 years with Minoxidil and no luck. It did heighten my Bilirubin levels which was not good.

Please feel free to take a look at my story in success stories and all the best,


Thanks man, i'm in the same position as you were once, really wanting to take finasteride but worries over the sides. I have been edging closer over the past few weeks in regards to taking it, and i think i'm gonna order some this week.


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Hey Bro -

My advice on finasteride is try to get Merck the original brand and try to get Proscar 5mg tabs. You can easily cut them into 6 or 8. It is covered by most insurance and the real deal bs Propecia which is the same just marketed differetly.

If you decide to proceed - stop looking at sides on this forum - it will drive you nuts.

The day after I first started I had chest aches cause I actually reached behind my washer and dryer and strained it but I thought it was Gynco and freaked.

Also few days after I became obsessed I couldnt get my buddy to work in the morning - again all mental.

Let me tell you - if you worry about sexual sides - they will happen as sex is 99% a mental game.

Trust me - 3 months no problems. If I had I would have stopped.

Read my story if you haven't and PM me if you have further questions.

Good luck man - be confident in your choice and follow through.
