Saw Palmetto (Main Topic) + Rogaine + 2% Ketoconazole Shmapoo


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Just wanted to kick it off by saying hey and giving a bit of background before I get going here,
So i am now 18 years old and my hair has been thin/thinning since about 16 years old (Lots of DHT production in my genes i suppose mass body hair but not so much head or facial) mostly total top thinning and just recently receding hairline.

So anyways I the majority of this post is just to ask about Saw Palmetto,
I have been doing a lot of reading online & it seems like there is evidence that it does reduce overall DHT in the body by inhibiting the conversion of T into DHT therefore increasing the T hence why body builders like to take it...

Now lets get a few things out of the way people who claimed who take it but see no hair growth or stop shedding please make sure you are super dosing it... i'm talking 1500mg daily, make sure you take it with meals spread throughout the day breakfast, lunch, dinner of course like any pills so you don't piss out all the minerals and nutrition you body can only absorb so much at a time... So yes we understated you have taken Saw Palmetto but if you are taking 160 - 300Mg daily its practically a drop in the bucket.. it may reduce 5% of the DHT you body created but it isn't no 50%.

Second it may not work for EVERYONE there are a few factors to this..
#1 DHT may not be the cause of your hair loss...
#2 Are you taking it religiously?
#3 Are you buying your pill from a repeatable source?

Side effects, I have been taking Saw Palmetto for about 1 month now of course with my daily Multi-Vitamin Omega 3-6-9 Pills
I'm gonna be honest I do expect loss of thick body hair because of the lack of DHT maybe later on in the process but nothing yet
You guys need to understand if there are going to be any side effects THE MAJORITY of them will be when you start taking it because you are shocking the body with this change of hormone levels..
First day I felt a bit sick taking them but that went away... brain fog for maybe 2-3 days, but im still hard 24/7 I'm gonna have to wear a blindfold to the gym here soon its getting risky... probably all the extra T.
Give you body some time to adjust the hormone levels the body is a amazing machine and will do what it needs too feel right, its a completely different story if you are allergic to what SP contains though everybodys body is different don't let one person discourage you, try new thing and see what your body likes.

But those are just my thoughts im calling out too the people who actually use SP under these circumstances listed... I'm tired of reading thought forums people saying blah blah blah I heard this and blah blah blah this person said that and this study shows, you need too see what people who actually use it say

Rogaine Foam - So I have been using this for about 2 months now of course LOTS and LOTS of hair loss but as expected needa kill off the weak and make space for the new and improved my shedding is starting to slow down and after this last 1 month bottle i will be off of it, I don t plan on using it for extended periods of time because it doesn't actually block DHT it promotes hair growth and its not a be all end all product for hair loss its a roller coaster of shedding and growing over 6 month periods so im just using it to kill off all of the weak hairs and get the ball rolling growing new hairs, she SP is what i plan on using daily.

2% Ketoconazole Shmapoo - So before using this stuff my scalp would always be red my girlfriend would always give me head scratches and ask me if my head hurts and stuff after taking this every 2nd day redness is gone and no dandruff, side story my mom has sorta thin hair and she had bad dandruff so I gave her a bottle to use and she says its great, her hair is gray she has like 3 inch black hairs growing all over her hairline and no more dandruff hm weird...

But yeah a update on me I have a few little hairs along my hairline maybe 50 total, i am 18 so my hair is still thick but im nipping the bald thing in the butt early age all my cousin's are bald and stuff sooo im gonna do what i can too avoid it, I like to think about this whole hair loss thing like this, IF there was a 100% cure for this thing there would be no money to be made... think about all the money Doctors that do hair transplants are making, and wig producers, the creators of Rogaine, Propecia, finasteride all the shampoos and everything in between! why would they let someone release a be all end all solution!! its up to you too find something that works!

Any questions at all please comment them I will reply in greater detail or if you would like to discuss stuff with me that would be awesome, I will also be updating my progress in the future I like positive talk and stories, a positive mind is a positive body!

PS - Sorry if there are any errors I have made its pretty late!


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Why are you on saw palmetto?? Also 1500mg is overkill.
What is your main priority??


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In my case there are many benefits, Hair growth, ((Higher T (For Body Building) and less body hair (Lower DHT))) > Is the goal and others results.
plus it makes me horny as ever so my girl is digging it.
Google Dr.Axe im going off his dosage ATM


Established Member
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Hi david
Thanks for your post.
So which brand of saw palmetto do you use ? and is it 98 % extract? Please just tell me the name because I'm thinking of adding that to my regimen.