Saw Palmetto (Please share your experience; Information, Side Effects and more)


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Some short info about me: Im a 4 year old forum lurker searching for solutions and treatments for male pattern baldness. Until now I have tried few treatments where most of them have been more or less unsuccessful.
I decided to try saw palmetto but havent actually used it yet due to lack of conclusions that I could draw from it.
I have seen many posts where people ask if saw palmetto is legit, with answers ranging from people saying it is just snake oil to it doing wonders for them. Of course like any other treatment there is no 100% guarantee that it does work for everyone and that is why I am opening this topic.
Before others fall for uneffective hair loss treatments (me being one of them) Im hoping that this will prove whether saw palmetto is effective or not.

The purpose of this post: To collect general information from users of this site or others willing to sign up to comment about the effectiveness of saw palmetto, whether it works effectively in slowing the androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) process, promoting regrowth, thickening hair or having no effect at all.

As you can probably guess it is an unscientific approach to search for the effectiveness of this herb but im hoping that users from this site will state their opinions whether it worked for them or not.

Please copy the following and fill the form:
Did you use saw palmetto extract or the berries?

For how long did you use saw palmetto?

What dose did you take, how often; regularly?

What hair loss pattern do you have?
Receding hairline; Crown hair loss; Combination, Diffuse pattern; Other (what?)

Where would you place yourself within the norwood scale?
[NW1 - NW7?]

In you experience, what effects did saw palmetto have on your hair?
[Regrowth (Hairline, Crown or both?); Thickening of the hair; Cessation of hair loss/Maintenance; Slowed male pattern baldness process; Increased shedding; Acclerated hair loss; No effect; Other (what?)]

Did you use saw palmetto in conjunction with other treatments?
[Yes (what?)/No]

Did the saw palmetto product you use contain other herbs or supplements?
[Yes (what?)/No]

Did you experience any side effects?
[Yes (what?)/No]

Are you currently using saw palmetto?

Additional comments:

Scientific research providing information about the benefits of saw palmetto for hair loss: ;38% of the subjects experienced an increase in hair growth, mostly in the vertex area, 2 year study. ; 60% of the subjects were rated as improved at the final visit.

Please do further research, talk to your doctors or do some blood tests before you try this treatment. I am not in any way promoting this or any other product considering I have not even tried it yet. Persistent side effects from saw palmetto supplementing similar to those of finasteride is not unheard of. Please be cautious and do not try anything out of desperation.

If there already is a similar thread to this, please refer me to it.

Thanks for your contribution.

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Did you use saw palmetto extract or the berries?


For how long did you use saw palmetto?
[8 months]

What dose did you take, how often; regularly?
[320 mg, once a day, everyday]

What hair loss pattern do you have?
Receding hairline

Where would you place yourself within the norwood scale?

In you experience, what effects did saw palmetto have on your hair?
[Slowed male pattern baldness process; Increased shedding]

Did you use saw palmetto in conjunction with other treatments?
[Yes, a 2% ketoconazole shampoo]

Did the saw palmetto product you use contain other herbs or supplements?
[Yes (nettle root extract, pumpkin seed oil)]

Did you experience any side effects?
[Yes (fatigue, lower libido)]

Are you currently using saw palmetto?

Additional comments: It might be useful, however im trying other treatments at the moment

NOTE: This was just an example, not an actual experience.


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4 years old? We have ourselves a bona fide child protégé among us. :) No but seriously I was taking saw palmetto many years ago. I stayed on it consistently for 8-12 months. I can't claim it helped me any. My shedding persisted while on it anyway. Any thoughts on topical saw palmetto?Thanx for sharing and all the best with your "study".

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BTW I believe I used the berries form of it. I can't remember the exact dosage, 400+ mg's. I think maybe.


Senior Member
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Thanx Der, I'm going to look into that.


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How are you doing with your regimen LBerg? I hope all is well.


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Ok, so this thread havent turned into what I wanted to yet, but im thankful for the replies so far.

4 years old? We have ourselves a bona fide child protégé among us. :) No but seriously I was taking saw palmetto many years ago. I stayed on it consistently for 8-12 months. I can't claim it helped me any. My shedding persisted while on it anyway. Any thoughts on topical saw palmetto?Thanx for sharing and all the best with your "study".

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BTW I believe I used the berries form of it. I can't remember the exact dosage, 400+ mg's. I think maybe.

Do you experience hair loss on the crown? If not, the studies I found claimed that it was mostly effective in that area but not entirely uneffective for the other areas. You are saying that you cannot confirm any effectiveness from it but would you say that it helped to just maintain/slow your hair loss during the 8-12 months despite the continuous shedding?

For everyone else, please try to use my form unless you are really unsure of the details like I.D WALKER. Thx!

the prostate health liquid capsules should work as a good topical.

What exactly do you mean? please give a bit more info.
Did you open up saw palmetto capsules and apply it topically on your scalp?
Doesnt sound very practical but if you could add some more info about where you read or if you have any experience with it.
Thx for your input.


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I bought 5 bottles of 1000mg soft-gels on sale. Been taking them for 3 days and I'm urinating very strongly now. What a relief. Fincar/Proscar didn't help as much and I've been taking that for a few years.

So now I'm thinking it might be better than Proscar/Fincar, at least for my biology.

Did you use saw palmetto extract or the berries?

For how long did you use saw palmetto?
[3 days]

What dose did you take, how often; regularly?
[1000mg] once a day

What hair loss pattern do you have?
Receding hairline 1.5-2 inches each side, 1 inch in the front

Where would you place yourself within the norwood scale?

In you experience, what effects did saw palmetto have on your hair?
too soon to tell

Did you use saw palmetto in conjunction with other treatments?
[Yes minoxidil (liquid at night, foam at day), ACV, and fincar]

Did the saw palmetto product you use contain other herbs or supplements?

Did you experience any side effects?
[Strong urination] relief of pressure on the prostate

Are you currently using saw palmetto?


Senior Member
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Ok, so this thread havent turned into what I wanted to yet, but im thankful for the replies so far.

Do you experience hair loss on the crown? If not, the studies I found claimed that it was mostly effective in that area but not entirely uneffective for the other areas. You are saying that you cannot confirm any effectiveness from it but would you say that it helped to just maintain/slow your hair loss during the 8-12 months despite the continuous shedding?

For everyone else, please try to use my form unless you are really unsure of the details like I.D WALKER. Thx! Hello Stupidko,
My crown coverage hair was fully intact. My severest affected areas were and still are temple and frontal hairline with middle anterior area beginning to deteriorate. Regrettably I cannot state I benefitted from S.P.. It could be that I'm a slow responder. I'm hoping that the data you collect from your inquiries places my testimony in the minority set. Please keep us informed.


Established Member
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the funny thing is reading posts on the internet. 1. saw palmetto is even more useless than placebo … or you get 2. saw palmetto shrank my dick and made me infertile

how can there be only extremes? either they're both paid shills or the quality of the product varies immensely