Saw Palmetto side effects


New Member
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Hi guys,

I started using saw palmetto extract 320 mg from 2 weeks now one pill per day,
with max-hair vitamins twice daily.

But I Suspect that I have sexual side effects from SP.My erection is very well all the time but I notice less semen than before.

I'm just 25 years old.

Is this normal ?
And why ?

Note: I'm not currently sleep well less than 6 hours daily.


Established Member
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This topic has been dealt with a thousand times. Can you use the seach button before posting?


Experienced Member
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All DHT blockers give you side effects if you're sensitive, it's all bullshit, none of them are "safe" in that respect, not even spironolactone or Revivogen (this contains Saw Palmetto also) They all do the same thing as Finasteride just on a lesser scale.

Unfortunately some peoples endocrine systems just can't tolerate being messed around and altering the balance of hormones results in side effects...