Saw Palmetto sides.


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Maybe i'm just imagining it or it's a mental thing but since I started taking 85-85% standardized extract of Saw Palmetto over a week ago, I'm not getting a boner as easily as i should be. I usually wake up with one but i haven't been and it's even more noticeable by the fact I haven't had a wank in almost 4 weeks!

Anyone had a similar experience off SP? Do you think it is that or am i just overthinking it? If it is, do you think it means it will have an effect on my hair?


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It has been discussed here many times.

SP has the potential to give just as much sides as 1mg finasteride. and comes with no FDA approval, extensive scientific studies on dosages or potency, etc. Another- words your on your own, make up a dosage to prevent hair loss, have a ball. I heard it was around 3000mg.

The mechanisms of SP are different from finasteride. SP acts on the prostate no doubt about it, not on DHT in the scalp follicles.

Would be interesting to see your DHT blood level, that might tell you if it is working.


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well i'm not getting random ones but they're not popping up at the first thought of a hot naked girl like it should probably be doing by now.

Still too scared to get on finasteride. i read a thread y'day where some guy was saying how it was having an effect on his mind, giving him social anxiety and all that, i don't want that.

& on the wiki article on finasteride, it says (in the chance you conceive) your baby would come out retarded.


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False. Don't look for sides or reasons not to take it, your mind will find something to associate with finasteride negativity. The Wiki article on finasteride states...

"Finasteride may pass into the semen of men, but Merck states that a pregnant woman's contact with the semen of a man taking finasteride is not an issue for concern."

Ya, if you get your wife/girlfriend pregnant with a male baby and then she starts taking finasteride....that baby's gonna be fucked up. But that's it. It's not going to be a problem otherwise.


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If i'm getting sides from SP, won't I most likely get sides from finasteride?

I think I still need to think about it. I'm discontinuing SP for a while to see if my libido at least comes back.


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finasteride and Saw are 2 completely different things. Perhaps you would get sides, but I wouldn't go so far as to put any great deal of money on it.


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get off the sp. I took that sh*t over 2 years ago and it fucked my sh*t up. Still not the same.