saw palmetto


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my question is, what type of saw palmetto is used for encouraging hair growth. theres standardised saw, saw extract, and just saw. can someone tell me if it makes a difference wot saw u buy? any recomended brands?


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My multi-vitamin has saw palmetto in it and I really like it. It's called "Garden of Life" and it works really good for my overall health. I never tried a straight-up saw palmetto though.


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I really dunno if it will do anything drastic. Problem is with SP is I believe beta-sitosterol (the active part) is only really a fairly weak androgen receptor blocker (as I understand). So... it may work but... it will have a weaker and also less targeted affect than finasteride.

Equol always seemed the best internal treatment to me, but no-one can properly make the stuff lol

On another note, I think topical antiandrogens like Eucapil, CB-03-01, ASC-J9, RU58841 and all that are the way to go tbh - no sides, and results! :)


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Do any of these you mention work and to what extent?

Eucapil, CB-03-01, ASC-J9, RU58841

What's the deal with Eucapil?


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i wouldn't recommend saw palmetto at all. It did little for my hair and gave me nasty side effects.


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i got bad side effects from saw palmetto too. gave me post urinary drip syndrome (went away when i stopped taking it though). it also made me a bit chubbier and my sideburns, body hair and facial hair just stopped growing. it definitely messed with my hormones.


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Hoppi said:
I really dunno if it will do anything drastic. Problem is with SP is I believe beta-sitosterol (the active part) is only really a fairly weak androgen receptor blocker (as I understand). So... it may work but... it will have a weaker and also less targeted affect than finasteride.

Equol always seemed the best internal treatment to me, but no-one can properly make the stuff lol

On another note, I think topical antiandrogens like Eucapil, CB-03-01, ASC-J9, RU58841 and all that are the way to go tbh - no sides, and results! :)

been a few reports of sides on RU58841 has there not?
also fewer reports of success on this as well..

not bagging it... just saying to keep an open mind.....