Scab Removal At 7 Days Post Op... Did I Mess Up?


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So Thursday was my 7th day post op, and I guess I went a bit crazy because I started to remove scabs from a portion of my hairline... I didn't pick, scratch or pull, rather I pushed the scab upwards, pretty gently to try and loosen it. I removed a lot of scabs and crust this way. There wasn't any bleeding, but some of the scabs had tiny hairs stuck in them. I didn't see any fleshy bulb so I think it may just have been the hair shaft but paranoid nonetheless... Most have been about 15-20 tiny hairs in these.
I know what I did was stupid, insane actually... Just how secure are the grafts after 7 days?

Wolf Pack

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No. They are more or less secure so don't worry. In fact scabs can impede healing in the implanted area so they do need to be removed quite soon. However, it's a tricky balance. But I think your grafts are secure. The average survival rates for grafts with a skilled surgeon is apparently 95% according to FUE founder Dr Rassman (without including patient post op errors)


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I hope you're right, I've read so much conflicting information. Some say that if there is no bleeding then the grafts are intact. Others say that every time a scab is removed, a graft is taken with it. Some say after 5 days they're quite secure, others 7, 10, 14 or more. It's so confusing, and I got zero post surgery instructions, and even if I did, I wouldn't know to listen to him or others... At the very least I imagine Dr Reys skill and yields are top notch...
No. They are more or less secure so don't worry. In fact scabs can impede healing in the implanted area so they do need to be removed quite soon. However, it's a tricky balance. But I think your grafts are secure. The average survival rates for grafts with a skilled surgeon is apparently 95% according to FUE founder Dr Rassman (without including patient post op errors)[/QUOTE

Wolf Pack

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I had instructions down to a T: really useful. I looked it all up though and his instructions were good. He was on the conservative side with instructions but that's exactly how I would want him to be. 2200ish grafts and I want the majority to get the best chance to survive.