Scalp Exercises Actual Create More Wrinkles??


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been reading up on (and starting to test out) Hagerty's Scalp Exercises and it would seem that doing them would result in MORE wrinkles and looser skin on your forehead, a opposed to what his experiments found to be true. The reason being is that you are constantly lifting your eyebrows, and just squishing together your wrinkle lines in your forehead.

...has anyone tried these for a longer period of time and can you comment as to whether this is true or not?

obviously, there hasn't been a great deal of professional experiments done on these exercises, though I would believe that because the laser comb is supposed to result in the same thing (increased bloodflow) that these exercises may actually have some value.



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Hi Jordan,

I've been doing the scalp exercise since august, and I can confidently say that it does not create wrinkles or loose skin. Just think about it, when you work out long enough it usually results in a more toned body. The same thing is true with the scalp muscles. I'm still young so i still have a strong upper forehead, but I'm sure it has had some effect.

As far as helping with hairloss, I think it is up in the air. I'm also a believer in the skull expansion theory, and have been doing the scalp exercised in conjuction with that regimen. I honestly can't tell which one is helping more, so hopefully they are both working. It's no trouble though, so I plan on sticking with it.

As far as your description on how to do them, the muscles in the front do come into play but what really makes it effective is the contraction of the muscles just behind the ears.

It is important that you do the excercise correctly.

Hope I helped.


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I was doing the scalp excerises and while I felt it improve the visual appearance of my hair line it wasnt that much....

Anyhow once went back to work, sod all time or energy to do scalp excerises so gave up lol

I really dont think it matters in the end, its just your DNA... cos you can get a fat bloke who gets no girls, no sex, eats chocolate for breakfast and weighs 15stone and doesnt excercise let alone do scalp excercises still ends up with more hair then myself.....

The only cure to hair loss is starting the big 3 or treatments when before starting too loosing it, or get a hair transplant :)


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I tried it for 2 months but then got lazy. I too got wrinkle lines on my forehead. It did however strengthen the muscles in the back of my head. I saw no regrowth as i did not try it long enough. However it did make my scalp feel healthy, although that could of been psychological.


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Yeah I started these scalp exercises just 5 days ago and the line on my forehead have already gotten deeper but only when I raise my eyebrows. I'm going to have to do some more research on this before I decide whether to continue with this or not because I don't want to deal with lines on my face and hair loss both at the same time...I'm so young but yet I feel like an old man having to worry about these things.


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me, i'm pre-disposed to "wrinkles" in my forehead... i put the word 'wrinkles' in quotes, because there's a difference between having wrinkles due to aging (loose skin, etc.) and "wrinkles" due to creasing. personally, i've always been an animated person, with my eyebrows constantly raised. because of this, i started to notice these pre-defined lines in my forehead since i was a young teenager -- they're not very noticeable, but they're there.

my concern is that these lines will become more noticeable if i'm adding these additional repetitions throughout the day?

on a related note, i've found a way that i can get SOME movement from these muscles without raising my eyebrows each time. however, i feel as though i may only then be working out my rear muscles, rather than the front (which is where i need it more).



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I have been doing scalp Tom Hagerty's scalp exercices for a few days, but like everyone i got bored and tired of it. You can do these exercices without deepening your forehead wrinkles just by applying the tip of your fingers on the forehead. The scalp moves and the forehead doesn't shrink vertically enough to draw the usual wrinkles.


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Yes can you imagine spending ten minutes twice a day for the rest of your life doing that exercise it would be such a pain. What if you get sick and go to hospital a few weeks. I think it would take a lot of dicipline to stick with such a program.


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I honestly don't find it that hard to do, but maybe thats me. I will catch myself doing it without thinking about it so its almost become a habit.