Scalp heating? Weird but interesting concept


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Also it appears that Menthol is a good vasodilator.
Menthol induces cutaneous vasodilation in the skin through multiple vasodilator pathways, including NO, EDHF, and sensory nerves. Topical menthol is detectable in the skin within 30 minutes and is cleared by 60 minutes. Skin blood flow and perceptual measures follow a similar time course as menthol appearance/clearance.



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I never understood the hot/ cold thing. I thought cold showers were good and then I saw all these articles about heat


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I never understood the hot/ cold thing. I thought cold showers were good and then I saw all these articles about heat

It's all about duration.

Somethings are great when temporary, but awful when constant. Almost every stress to your body has benefits when it's only temporary.

For example:

Temporary calorie restriction (fasting) is great and slows down aging, but deadly if extreme.

Wounding like microneedling is beneficial when done occasionally, but it's harmful to the body if you don't give it enough time to heal.


As for cold showers, they allow faster muscle recuperation after workouts, but have no benefit regarding alopecia. Quite the contrary.
The best is to always wash your head with warm/hot water to open pores and remove sebum, then your scalp will absorb topical agents (like minoxidil or ketoconazole) much better.


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This is an interesting concept, one which I have approached by adding v**** to my stack.

what works against this theory is the multitude of bald men who work in the sun everyday. They have direct exposure to the sun’s heat, and yet I have never come across any reference of regrowth as a result.

Nevertheless I would be interested in seeing a pic of your prototype and would be happy to be part of your think tank, if you are interested.


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Is there a convenient way to measure oxygen levels on the scalp?

For example, would oximeters of smartwatches and fitness bands work?
