Scalp Micropigmentation, Good or Bad?

Scalp Micro-Pigmentation: Good or Bad?

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Hi Guys

I want to get some views on scalp micropigmentation, whether you think it's a good idea or not, and why? There haven't been enough discussions on here about this yet.

This is the clinic I'm looking at, There are lots of before and after shots on their site that look pretty good. I just wonder if it's a step too far and if people would take you less seriously as a person for having this done. Even though there's no doubting you would look better to strangers, the people you already know (i.e. the people who matter!) might think you are a vain and weak man for caring about how you look enough to get your scalp coloured. (Which is totally unfair but that's how it is.) I don't think you could prevent people noticing over time, because [A] there would be the intitial huge impact and close inspection (e.g. someone in the back seat of a car behind you) would surely be able to tell especially if they knew what you used to look like.

I have bad diffuse thinning (there are photos on one of my few posts if you're interested). So I simulataneously have hair almost everywhere, yet am an NW7 in terms of pattern and the overall effect under light.

I already shave my hair fairly close. I have a horrible non-symmetric hairloss at the front. But I have strong facial features and a good skull shape that i think would look good with the badass close shave if only there were some hairline to balance it off. Ironically, my hair was crap even before I started to go bald, so am quite happy with a 'no hair by choice but great hairline and density' kind of look.

Apparently I'm not a good candidate for hair transplant (quite relieved really), so am considering the scalp micropigmentation. But it's the psychological side rather the physical side of it that I am concerned about.

Discuss away, especially if you know anything about the HIS clinic.


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keepinthehair said:
I would consider to facts. Your remainingl hair will eventually turn gray on the sides and back, while the tatoo on top will not. Second, how many 60 year old men shave their head and retain a perfect NW1 hairline and density?

Lucky for me, at age 35 I'm pretty much grey when I'm not using Just For Men. So in my case, I'd just get grey ink tattooed where the thinning areas are.

By the time I'm 60 I'm betting there will be some kind of cure for male pattern baldness. Might be a long shot but it's a bet I'm willing to take. And even if there's not, a hair transplant is still an option as micro scalp pigmentation does not effect a hair transplant in any way.

I'm not quite there yet, but as another poster said above, at least knowing the option is available makes me feel better when I'm stressing about hairloss.


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keepinthehair said:
I would consider to facts. Your remainingl hair will eventually turn gray on the sides and back, while the tatoo on top will not. Second, how many 60 year old men shave their head and retain a perfect NW1 hairline and density?

The grey thing isn't an issue as most hair colours will look grey when closely shaved as that is the colour of the follicle (blonde/ fair/ brown haired people) so the pigmentation will be done to reflect this. As for worrying about looking odd as an old man, I wouldn't. Old men already look odd. Any old man trying to look better will do things to make himself look younger, which this would provide. Your youth is way more important than your last years- it shouldn't put anybody off.


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Well the idea certainly has merrit. I think if I were to pull the trigger on a transplant, I would target a dense as possible Norwood 2. The option of increasing the illusion of density by coloring the scalp to match the transplanted hair is very interesting indeed kind of like providing shade. We all know how the sun can shine right through the hair to expose that scalp.


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I didn't vote because I don't think its that black and white. I think it could be good if it fools people. However, it seems to be pretty new. Others have brought up how the tattoo will look with age, since they seem to get a green tinge to them over the years. Additionally, your head gets a lot of sun, and sun damages and fades tattoos. You'd have to go for touch ups, and eventually, if you touch up too often, it'll be a big gray blur on your head and not look like follicles. I think it's risky business, I'd give it a few years and see if those who tried it are satisfied years later. I'd also like to see it in person.

slurms mackenzie

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I'd be asking the questions about whether or not it can be removed as you get older / go grey. If it can then why not, it looks decent enough, and if it gives people the confidence they need that's a good thing.

As somebody pointed out in a previous thread on this it might get a bit weird if you get with a women the first time she feels it.


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Is it not like a (permanent) tattoo? (jamie foxx)



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This is a perfect demonstration of what SMP can do for you. Pause it and cover up each side of his head in turns and just look at how brilliantly the new hairline frames his face.

I really think being confident and having fun in your youth is well worth looking a little silly in old age. They say you have no shame when you get old anyway so it'll just be something to laugh about if it really does look that stupid.


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What would scalp pigmentation look like on a diffuse thinner who did not shave his head? Would it be like having a permanent toppik application or something? :)


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What would scalp pigmentation look like on a diffuse thinner who did not shave his head? Would it be like having a permanent toppik application or something? :)

Not really, it would be noticeable you have tatooed smth on your head.
Have in mind SMP is a tatoo, it deposits pigment under the skin at 0.5-1mm.
And the big problem is one: the deeper the pigment is deposited, the more change of the color.
If you deposit BLACK pigment at 1mm under skin, it would look as BLUE, because of the skin above it!
If you shave the head, it is not a problem, because the remained black hair shaft under the skin also looks blue.
But if you keep the hair long, it probably won't look good.
It canot look as having toppik, because toppik is not under the skin, it's above the skin, in your hair, so it cannot look like that.

And , if you consider having permanent SMP, at first ask yourlsef a quwstion: how do i get rid of the pigments if it doesn't look good? If you are unhappy with it, it is not simple at all to get rid of the pigments. It is the same as removing a tatoo, it's a very long process, you need 5-10 laser sessions spaced a few month apart, so it;s gonna take years etc. And depeneding of the composition /color of the pigment, it may not work at all, and the dots can remain permanent.

- - - Updated - - -
About Jamie Foxx's picture:
No that doesn't look like a tatoo.
A black tatoo can never look like that, because black pigment under the skin looks more blueish.
It is his real hair, see pictures with the hair a bit longer.
Yes, nature was very kind with his hair. :))
YEs, it looks quite unnatural, it can be transplant, but not SMP.


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I just wanted to post about my experience with SMP (scalp micropigmentation) from HIS Hair Clinic. I am in my early 30's, and I began suffering from hair loss starting in my mid 20's, specifically with diffuse thinning all over the top of my head. I tried everything to cover it up, from toppik to sprays, and even a hair transplant that did not give me anywhere near the density I was looking for.

After over 5 years of extreme frustration and even depression, I found out about the SMP process through HIS Hair. While no solution is perfect, and while SMP isn't for everyone, it was exactly what I was looking for. I believe this is BY FAR the best hair loss solution for anyone who doesn't mind keeping their hair very short.

Make no mistake -- it is only an illusion. It is not 3 dimensional, and your hair will not magically grow back. But my confidence did. Not only does SMP create the illusion of my hair being dense, but it also camouflaged my hair transplant scar extremely well. I no longer worry about rain washing out my toppik, or sweat, or swimming in public, etc etc etc.

I was so pleased with the result that I want to help spread the word to others who feel the same sense of desperation that I felt. I have a 10% off discount coupon code for HIS Hair Clinic to give out to anyone interested, but I didn't post it in this message because I don't want my message to be misinterpreted as spam. If you're interested in the discount, or any other details of my story, feel free to send me a private message. I would be happy to help!

I have attached "before treatment", "right after treatment", and "1 month after treatment" pictures here. Please keep in mind the "after" picture is immediately after treatment, so you will notice a little bit of redness (which subsided 24-48 hours later).
More pictures of mine can be found on the HIS Hair forum as well. Best of luck to everyone in finding your happiness!


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SMP is a great solution, but the same as a hair transplant, you need to go somewhere decent. HIS Hair Clinic is not the only company going good work. Good Look Ink, HEDstrong, Scalp Aesthetics, Vinci Hair Clinic, Milena Lardi............. they're all turning out excellent results.

Do your homework, don't rush. Find some styles you like and use those as a basis for discussion. Deal with a company you feel comfortable with and that offers a guarantee. Have realistic expectations and you'll be fine.


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Hello Kameron. I don't intend to come across insensitive, but the SMP work performed on you does not represent work I'ld expect from a good artist let alone professional. I have not seriously looked into SMP therefore I don't really know what a hgood result ought to look like. At a distance your results are fine, but at closer inspection it loses it's aesthetic value. Thinking twice this sounds natural. Had I been unaware of your SMP procedure I may not have noticed so much. From this perspective it's probably a marginal win. It appears you had a conservative session so to speak? Thanks for sharing.
Hi, i had the scalp pigmentation done last week and this is what is looks like currently today. Does the look right after the first apt?