Scalp Transplants - Why Don't They Exist Yet?


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I think it's a very interesting concept. I don't think it would work for my type of hair loss, but if the transplanted scalp contains DHT-resistant follicles I don't see why it wouldn't work for Androgenetic Alopecia sufferers. I found an article about a guy in the USA who had a scalp transplant almost two years ago:

Looking at the photos from his result, the join between his transplanted scalp and face is very obvious and it is clear that something has happened to him (with the elongated forehead and huge scar across it). However, he does seem to have a full head of hair again despite having to take immunosuppressants initially to quell the rejection by his body. His scalp sweats and even grows hair normally like it was his own! However, the article was only written a year after the transplant so it would be interesting to see whether he experiences any long term rejection issues. Another thing to consider is that this man lost hair due to cancer which means he may not have had Androgenetic Alopecia in the first place.

I wonder if in the future they would be able to perfect the appearance of the transplant to look like one's own head of hair with no scar or odd placement (such as through healing of scar tissue as posted here just recently:


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Nice find; interesting to see this concept put into practice. Of course in this case the scar is quite obvious, which i expected would be the case. This is why i suggested transplanting the scalp as one large top piece and then FUE for the hairline (to cover scar) and temples. Assuming an NW1/2 donor you would have plenty of donor hair to complete a natural looking FUE at the hairline and temples. Given the abundance of non-balding candidates, it is also safe to assume a bio match as well as hair match could be attained without much trouble...

I see what you mean regarding doing an FUE to cover up the scar and I did a quick photoshop of his pic to see what he may look like with some extra hair over the scar at the hair line and on his sideburns to cover it up. It can look pretty good I think:


However, the only question with an FUE I think is whether the transplanted hair will only survive on the donor skin and not the donee's original skin. Since rejection seems to have subsided, does that mean that the donee's body is now able to integrate the donor's hair follicles into their natural skin without rejection as if they were their own hair follicles?


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The doctors:

In two to three weeks, he had at least a quarter inch of hair

SMH. You take scalp from a dying person, implant it on a person who is undergoing several transplant procedures... it grows.

Then people come here and suggest you are losing your hair because you watch p**rn or eat pizza


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sh*t--is this what happened to me?
* I'm dead *

But to be true there was really a user some months ago who seriously scrutinized my teenage masturbatory habits with more and more posts asking how often I did it, how fast, etc., to try and prove (I guess) that I lost hair because I was a young pervert.


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IDK... but they are transplanting f*****g NEW HEADS on people now... and they can't transplant the scalp...


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I swear... It's a conspiracy against bald people... The fullheads want to stay superior to us, the world wants us to stay bald and to know our place: At the bottom of the Totem Pole.

f*** that, even when I am bald I will rule over any full head b**ch that comes my way. #confidence. :p


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The world needs cucks like yourself to parade around in gimp suits, and attend back room glory hole parties at pomohraphy stores.

Without you the pornography industry would take a hit. To many people would engage in real world sexual activity which would inhibit costs, and profits for these massive industries. Who else accounts for all brazzer subscriptions, and sex toy purchases.

Frequent traveling and sex tourism all around the world would take a hit.

Bald guy are fundenemental for world trade and the contribution to adding coins into sleezy p**rn pontiff pockets.

Bald guys are essential for growth in these industries without them we would have a lot of suicide on our shoulders. East Asia traveling, pornography, and mail order brides are a huge industry, having the biggest bald clientele

Chads and full heads are to busy living the family dream; and taking care of young ovulating hotties


My Regimen
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The world needs cucks like yourself to parade around in gimp suits, and attend back room glory hole parties at pomohraphy stores.

Without you the pornography industry would take a hit. To many people would engage in real world sexual activity which would inhibit costs, and profits for these massive industries. Who else accounts for all brazzer subscriptions, and sex toy purchases.

Frequent traveling and sex tourism all around the world would take a hit.

Bald guy are fundenemental for world trade and the contribution to adding coins into sleezy p*rn pontiff pockets.

Bald guys are essential for growth in these industries without them we would have a lot of suicide on our shoulders. East Asia traveling, pornography, and mail order brides are a huge industry, having the biggest bald clientele

Chads and full heads are to busy living the family dream; and taking care of young ovulating hotties
Modern day Darwinism.
Baldcels are watching p**rn and shooting their loads into tissue papers, Chads impregnate multiple prime women.

uncomfortable man

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Haven't they successfully transplanted fetus trans womb? That sounds exponentially more difficult than this.

But I could see people getting creeped out by it. Oh you could have a f*****g pigs heart, a donkeys liver and a magical Griffin's gall bladder but oh no not the hair, that has to be real or else.