Scalp white and flakey


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Hi all,

My scalp is like white, dry and flakey...

I have been using nizoral for about a week now, so thats 3 times i have shampooed with it, my scalp was in pretty bad shape prior to using it, but now i am using minoxidil which i wasnt using in the past,

How long does it take for nizoral to kick in, i really need this dry scalp to go away, is there any other shampoos i should be using on my off days from nizoral


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I suffered from this extremely white and flakey skin as well while being on regular minoxidil (rogaine). I quitted after two weeks, because it was insane, I'm tellin' ya! BUT the manual says that you have to give your skin some weeks to adjust - I just didn't have the patience. In addition to this I just couldn't see myself applying this sh*t two times a day for the remainder of my life. I hated it.

My advice: Wait a week more to see if it's going okay, otherwise quit rogaine-minoxidil and consider using a more creamly minoxidil or liquid minoxidil but without the alcohol. Both things exists.


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Maybe i should try the Proxiphen, is that what you would suggest?

where do you get that from?

I also like the 1X a day idea

minoxidil 2 times a day now is ok, but the rest of my life??


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Proxi is a possibilty. What I also like about Proxi is that after a year doing it 1x a day, then you should only apply it once every other day for the rest of your life. Half inconvenience, half costs.

But also check out other solutions, I know Dr. Lee's making some alcohol free minoxidil. The alcohol is mean against your skin, I bet that's the one causing your flaking.

I'd say that it's difficult to apply Proxi the longer your hair is, because it sticks in the hair, due to the cream form. BUT you only have to apply it to the thinnest areas, then it will distribute beneath the skin (that's what I've heard). I guess that goes with fluid minoxidil.

Go to this thread for more info: ... =proxiphen


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I'm a little confused. Are you saying that your scalp was in bad shape before minoxidil and now it's getting worse?

It's pretty common to get a little flaky scalp after starting Minoxidil. It usually goes away after a few weeks. But if you had a scalp condition before starting minoxidil it may just make it worse.

Are you using conditioner? If not, I suggest you do.