Scaly Scalp


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I was wondering if anyones experienced or knows about what to do for scaly, almost yellowish buildup/dandruff. I'm not using any topicals, just finasteride and nizoral. I'm hoping nizoral will do something about it. Its something I had before hairloss, but right now its really bad upfront in every area where hair sheds and not bad at all in other areas. There's definitely a link between the scalp condition and the hairloss, its so obvious in my case.

I actually went to see the family doctor about it several years ago and she just put me on t-gel for awhile. Lately I've been paying a lot more attention to it though, and I really think if I could get my scalp down to decent healthy skin instead of this scale sh*t I'd be in a lot better shape with the hair. Anybody know what I'm talking about?


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I've been doing some research and I'm pretty sure this is a case of Seborrheic Dermatitis. I see there are dozens of products based on half a dozen different approaches to fixing it (coal tar, some sort of zinc, etc.)

I'm sure someone else on this board has delt with this before... what did you use?


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i get this in my eye brows and a little in my scalp while i was on propecia. go to your doctor and get some desonide lotion, even before that use that nizoral shampoo i do everyday and no problems