Scar after 2nd hair transplant Question.


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A little background, started losing my hair since I was 18, I'm now 29 and I've slowed it all these years with the help of finasteride/rogaine/nizoral. I had my first hair transplant 2 years ago with Dr. Rahal of 3400 grafts. I'm very very happy with the results, it has changed a lot I do in life. Now to the question...

I am set to have my 2nd procedure in April (FUT again) of 1500-2000 grafts to add temple points and beef up the hairline, my question is about the scar, I am more than pleased with the first scar, I can cut my hair very short and it is not visible, is it better for the doctor to cut into the first scar and have 1 scar total? or make a second incision and have 2 scars? which will be better and the least noticeable?



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Well my first surgery was with dr Rahal, and my 2nd is as well so I'm sure he'll make the right decision of 1 scar


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why the hell on earth would you have another fut for 1500-2000 grafts.

If cost is a concern go to turkey and have a FUE done for 2.84USD a FUE

Agreed though with Rahal, I had a FUT with him a little over a year ago and cut my hair a #2 grade around the back, and sides.


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whats wrong with having a 2nd fut done with rahal? im happy with the results and can cut my hair down as short as i would want on the sides with no scar showing???

- - - Updated - - -

I'm spending money on transplants to have hair, not shave it off.


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fut for grafts not exceeding 2000 if not worth it.. IMO and most opinions of people on the board... You can achieve 2000 grafts from FUE, why wouldn't you... unless you can't afford it.