Scar Tissue and Hair


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I don't know where else to put this so I figured this would be as good a place as any. (If this is a problem please move to the appropriate area)

Well anyways, this past weekend I got into another snowboarding accident going off a pretty good sized jump and overshooting the landing. I landed on flat and hit my knees and ate some snow. I basically took a big chunk of skin out from underneath my chin. The abrasion was too big for stitches so the doctor said to just let it heal on its own even though there is going to be a massive scar.

The good thing I guess is that the scar is completely under my chin so you won't be able to see it unless I tilt my head way far back, but I am worried that I wont be able to grow hair there anymore, which means no more beard. I can't shave right now because there is a big scab under my chin so my facial hair looks all out of whack. Anyone have experience with facial scars? Whats the best way to cover them up? Will I ever grow hair there again?

I have a feeling that I'm pretty much stuck with it. On the bright side, I guess it could make a good story for the ladies :agree: