Scared of Propecia a little... (read!)


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I was planning to start using Propecia and shave my hair right, when I hit 18, so that means mid spring this year. I have been using Regaine 5% 1,5 years.
I'm starting to doubt a little now however, because the summer is coming: there will be lots of parties and being naked, where I have to look nice. First, the shaved head will suck anyway, but with more girls in the summer it can be a greater backlash, and secondly, I don't want to be fat at the beach either. As we all know finasteride causes gaining fat, but the question is: how rapid is it? I currently have a very trimmed body. If I start to eat finasteride in April, will I be able to look beautiful in the beach in August?
Should I postpone the regiment to September and just continue with Regaine in the summer? What do you think?
Thanks a lot!


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My Regimen
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I don't think everyone is affected by finasteride in the same manner. You may give it a try and control your weight regularly. If it causes you to win weight you can just discontinue the treatment.


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I have been using finasteride for 7mnths without sides
I go the gym 2-3 times a week and have noticed no change in my ability to train or any weight gain (apart from muscle)

Go for the finasteride and go to the gym is my advice


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I've not gained a bit of fat and I've not noticed any change in my strength
or ability to train. I think you should just try it as guybrush pointed out.


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I'd be more concerned about sexual sides then weight gains that can be countered.


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I'd be more concerned about being that 15 to 17% group where finasteride did not work in them.


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Nuli said:
I'd be more concerned about sexual sides then weight gains that can be countered.
So you think I shouldn't start it this early?
Oh, and there's another thing I have heard of: Propecia destroys hair at the beginning. Is it right? I'm not so sure, if I would want to cut my hair short in the summer -- rather in autumn and have longer hair in summer.


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I'm 19 and suffered sexual sides. I've also noticed that it seems the younger men experience the sides (18-25). My THEORY for this, is that at a younger age our body has less DHT but, can still suffer aggressive hair loss due to sensitive hair follicles. If I were you, go ahead and try finasteride for 2-3 months and just see how you feel. Make sure you're eating healthy and get some cardio exercise in, these can help maintain your libido.


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take it for a couple of weeks and see what happens.

be sure to get it from a reputable source so that you don't start getting paranoid about whether it's genuine or not.... which is what I am kinda thinking now when I purchased finpecia online a couple years back.

didn't work for me, I got sides. but it's something you need to try for yourself because if it works, then it's the best chance you have at getting your hair back or keeping it.