Scared of Propecia- Think I might die


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OK I have this irrational fear that by taking finasteride I'll end up dying, I know it sounds stupid but it can happen. Also just reading the stories of people getting ball aches on this forums gives me ball aches as well and the percentage of people getting Erectile Dysfunction being 38% also scares the crap out of me and this is without me having never been near a Finasteride. I also have the fear, along with dying, that the side effects will be soo much that they'll need to operate and cut off my c*** for me to live. :sobbing:


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Okay, listen to me VERY carefully. If you want to continue on Finasteride, you NEED to do the following:

Quit the forums, and don't ever come back. Don't ever read anything about Finasteride again. Take your mind off it as much as you can. It's clear you are extremely susceptible to the horror stories on this forum and on others. You simply can't keep reading this stuff, because in the state you are in, there is absolutely no way you will stay on it for the long run, or experience any success from it.

If after being away from the forums for a month or so hasn't helped, go seek therapy. I'm being 100% serious here; these irrational thoughts can cause you serious problems down the road.

If you can't do these things, quit finasteride. There is nothing I or anyone else could possibly tell you to put your mind at ease. The only way you can get these thoughts out your mind is to stop reading all this crap. If you continue to immerse yourself in this negativity for no reason, you will likely end up with an anxiety disorder (if you don't have one already)

I can guarantee, this is the best advice anyone here will give you.

Good luck man.


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where did you get that 38% of finasteride users get ED?
i gotta say most of what you've said in your first post is exactly the kinda scare mongered bullsh*t that people sometimes like to spread. i'm not saying you're trying to spread it but it does look like you've been completely messed up by what the vast minority has been saying about finasteride. i believe side effects from many or any drugs are often largely psychological, sure there's physical and genetic reasons for it too but the fact is if you're scared your dick won't work, your body will react by not making it work anymore. you're going to scare yourself into having sides. same thing will happen with people who scare themselves into throwing after taking a few E's or after smoking a few joints or having a bad trip on acid or whatever.

i'd say check the success stories part of the forum and maybe that might settle your nerves a bit. but i really don't know how we could help someone as panicked as you are via the internet.

take care brother.


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Wuffer said:
Okay, listen to me VERY carefully. If you want to continue on Finasteride, you NEED to do the following:

Quit the forums, and don't ever come back. Don't ever read anything about Finasteride again. Take your mind off it as much as you can. It's clear you are extremely susceptible to the horror stories on this forum and on others. You simply can't keep reading this stuff, because in the state you are in, there is absolutely no way you will stay on it for the long run, or experience any success from it.

If after being away from the forums for a month or so hasn't helped, go seek therapy. I'm being 100% serious here; these irrational thoughts can cause you serious problems down the road.

If you can't do these things, quit finasteride. There is nothing I or anyone else could possibly tell you to put your mind at ease. The only way you can get these thoughts out your mind is to stop reading all this crap. If you continue to immerse yourself in this negativity for no reason, you will likely end up with an anxiety disorder (if you don't have one already)

I can guarantee, this is the best advice anyone here will give you.

Good luck man.
Thanks, man. The thing is I haven't yet started Finasteride, I'm thinking about it to retain my hair until RU/CB-03 comes out. The thing that scares me is that when I see other people complaining of nut aches from finasteride it gives me a slight ache without having ever touched a finasteride tablet. BTW I've seen your success story and you're doing great!

Mens Rea

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Cant believe you guys are taking this guy seriously.

He's clearly extracting the urine

I see other people complaining of nut aches from finasteride it gives me a slight ache without having ever touched a finasteride tablet



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Mens Rea said:
Cant believe you guys are taking this guy seriously.

He's clearly extracting the urine

I see other people complaining of nut aches from finasteride it gives me a slight ache without having ever touched a finasteride tablet

WTF man I ain't trolling.

Mens Rea

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OK, but it read's terribly troll-like.

I don't know how to advise you, though. Wait for CB would be my honest advice esp if your hair isn't even that bad.


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Mens Rea said:
OK, but it read's terribly troll-like.

I don't know how to advise you, though. Wait for CB would be my honest advice esp if your hair isn't even that bad.
Well my hairloss story is very depressing for me. About a year ago my hair was seriously awesome, I loved it and many people in college used to comment on the thickness and girls used to go through my hair with their hands because of how good it was, however starting from May 2010 I had an absolute nightmare of a shed and literally a swipe through my hair got about 5-10 hairs falling out and I was absolutely crapping my pants. I estimate that I lost about 300-500 hairs per day and this absolutely destroyed all the denstiy of my hair. However this shedding stopped in early October and ever since it seems that I'm doing good in retaining what I have, I see no difference now than I saw in October when the shedding stopped, but I fear the damage has been done and my hair's density is crap. The density of hair has gone down all round but my hairline hasn't receded (Thankfully)


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Hey man, my apologies; I misconstrued your original post.

The fact that you have a testicle ache without even having touched a tablet shows you just how powerful the mind can be. For many people, the mind can create very real feeling symptoms that are not always caused by finasteride.

It's ultimately up to you if you want to start this treatment. When you do decide to start, make sure you are 100% about it. If you start the treatment with a significant doubt in your mind, I can almost guarantee you won't have a good experience.

I was also susceptible to the same horror stories. I started experiencing some significant anxiety and side effects that were caused by my mind shortly after starting on finasteride. After realizing everything was in my mind, I have been fine. Some of us simply can't expose ourselves to this at all, or our thoughts will run away and cause problems.

CB-03-01 seems to be a good treatment, but it's effectiveness and safety has not yet been proven. When this treatment has been FDA approved and is publically released, I will likely start on it. However, I wouldn't personally take the chance of testing it before it goes through some sort of large scale testing.

Within 5 years, we will likely have some better treatments available than finasteride. It's not a perfect treatment, but I believe it is safe. I believe the new treatments will work on the same principal as finasteride; the more hair you have when you start it, the better your results will be. If you want to have the most hair possible for these treatments, finasteride needs to be the core of your regimen.


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WTF man I ain't trolling.

do not get offended awes, but this thread looks "trolly"
(and not only yours in these days)

just imao :whistle:


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Ever since taking finasteride, I'm sure I've noticed a clone of myself following me around.


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sandyc said:
Ever since taking finasteride, I'm sure I've noticed a clone of myself following me around.


mmm .... maybe some web clone is possible :)


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I've been on finasteride for 2+ years with no sides, but even I will say that Finasteride isn't suitable for you. I think you are a bit too, erm, OCD for finasteride. You would take 1 tablet and within a month you would have 1,000 posts on Propecia Help.

Having ball ache just by reading the sides stories goes to show how powerful the mind can be, and how it can trick you into experiencing things that may or may not actually exist.

Wait for CB. It would be good if CB worked and became cheaply available then we could all just recommend that instead of finasteride.

Mens Rea

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sandyc said:
Ever since taking finasteride, I'm sure I've noticed a clone of myself following me around.


This is something that wasn't in the MERCK studies.

But think about it.

finasteride affects the brain. DHT defeciency has been documented to affect the brain. Also....imbalance of neurotransmitters messing up brain function, causing depression and suchlike.

It's not hard to see how this could lead on to screwed up mental health and eventually lead to delusion and the likes.

Take care bro. I recommend you lowering your finasteride dosage until your "clone" stops following you. And speak to your doctor.

Wuffer? Please bite!!!


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Mens Rea said:
sandyc said:
Ever since taking finasteride, I'm sure I've noticed a clone of myself following me around.


This is something that wasn't in the MERCK studies.
Yes it was! A classified video has just been leaked, and it shows the initial reaction in detail!!!



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I'm no longer sure if I'm the clone or the original. If I stop finasteride what if I disappear?

Mens Rea

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this doesn't help much for the propecia cause.....


I think I'll rather go bald now, especially after readin that.


Wuffer and co like to pretend the people with sides are few and far between. It is becoming increasingly clear that these incidences are more frequent and serious than first thought.

It's not even a wonder drug. I wish people would realise this. Yes there is plenty of great success stories but for the average guy it will simply slow down hair loss. If you are that worried, don't take it. Atleast you have your sexual function.