
Scared of spot!


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I have been applying the original Rogaine twice a day on my scalp after I got a crew cut so more would be absorbed by my scalp. I thought it was working. But is it? Or am I more thinning that I thought I was. I'M SCARED! Do you guys think it's time I look into a hair transplant? How much would it cost? Do you think another option is viable? I wonder how much of this is due to shedding from the Rogaine? When my hair goes it it does not look this bad. This is a bit scary.320


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its hard to judge without a before/after pic to compare it to.

transplants seldom look nice, if anything is going to work its going to be rogaine + nizoral twice a week. keep using it, some doctors say it can take up to a year for it to start working even though the box says 4 months. also save your money and use the generic 5% minoxidil, its all the same.


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its hard to judge without a before/after pic to compare it to.

transplants seldom look nice, if anything is going to work its going to be rogaine + nizoral twice a week. keep using it, some doctors say it can take up to a year for it to start working even though the box says 4 months. also save your money and use the generic 5% minoxidil, its all the same.

Okay. I have been using rogaine for about a year. I thought it was working. Is Nizoral as good as RegenePure NT for blocking DHT?


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Okay. I have been using rogaine for about a year. I thought it was working. Is Nizoral as good as RegenePure NT for blocking DHT?

thats a recent pic after 1 year of rogaine??

does regenpurent have ketoconazole? thats the main ingredient desired from nizoral. i thought regenpure dr had ketoconazole instead of nt...idk though, i just use nizoral cus its cheaper and is pretty much the gold standard.

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btw jw are u single? asking because of the way you said "IM SCARED!" - dont stress too much, i believe ill have a perfect life in my heaven after i die with a perfect girlfriend, and you can too. :)


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thats a recent pic after 1 year of rogaine??

does regenpurent have ketoconazole? thats the main ingredient desired from nizoral. i thought regenpure dr had ketoconazole instead of nt...idk though, i just use nizoral cus its cheaper and is pretty much the gold standard.

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btw jw are u single? asking because of the way you said "IM SCARED!" - dont stress too much, i believe ill have a perfect life in my heaven after i die with a perfect girlfriend, and you can too. :)

I'm unhappily married! LOL Yes, I have been using rogaine maybe for a year. To tell you the truth I am not sure. Is it pretty bad? Should it have been better? I guess I should give it another year before I can tell. Perhaps a hair transplant?


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I'm unhappily married! LOL Yes, I have been using rogaine maybe for a year. To tell you the truth I am not sure. Is it pretty bad? Should it have been better? I guess I should give it another year before I can tell. Perhaps a hair transplant?

well im glad you are married. its not too bad tbh, in the end there's only so much you can do and some people have better results than others. I did a search and apparently regenpure NT does not have maybe some nizoral is what you need.

best way to explain it is like a water bucket with holes. minoxidil pours water into the bucket (hair) and nizoral covers up those holes from leaking away the water.

on top of that i take a biotin supplement daily, a multivitamin, and try to breathe deeply 24/7 too keep myself as stress free as i can, and i do scalp massages (i figure when you wash/condition/apply rogiane, that counts as a massage) and scalp exercise, see if u can learn how to do this, move your scalp and it improves circulation = improved hair health.