Scented Rogaine


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I picked up a bottle of this stuff the other day. It does smell nice but probably not worth the extra money. Plus it was much greasier than the normal CVS minoxidil. I didnt check but my guess is it has more PPG.

BTW Cosco has Kirkland minoxidil in bulk cheap - works out to 8$ a bottle.


I use Dr Lee's as it drys quickly and doesn't really smell of anything.

To be honest, i'd rather my minoxidil smell of nothing than smell perfumed because it will only draw attention to it.


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I dont think it smells like perfume - its a masculine type smell, and its a fairly faint odor.

As far as people noticing, I guess I am not too concerned about it. I mean its clear Im losing my hair and everyone who knows me knows I am using products to hold onto what I have. For whatever reason, Im not embarassed about it.


i really respect your accpetance and honesty about your situation.

I wish i could be more like that, I have one good friend who I tell about my treatments and situation and he is cool about it.

I guess it worries me that chicks might find out.