Scientists finally discover sugar that could cure male pattern baldness


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A naturally occurring sugar called 2-deoxy-D-ribose (2dDR) may boost hair growth.

Scientists at the University of Sheffield and COMSATS University Pakistan have discovered a sugar compound that could play a role in hair restoration.

They found that a naturally occurring sugar called 2-deoxy-D-ribose, or 2dDR for short, can boost hair growth by promoting the formation of new blood vessels. This vital process nourishes hair follicles, supporting them to produce new hair.

Over the past eight years, the team focused on using 2dDR sugar to stimulate blood vessel growth for wound repair. Unexpectedly, they noticed a correlation between wound healing and increased hair growth.

Results indicate that deoxyribose sugar matches Minoxidil’s efficacy in stimulating hair growth, presenting a promising natural treatment option.