
screw it, i'm getting the Hairmax Laser Comb


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yay or nay? I'm starting my third month of finasteride and past 1.2 years on minoxidil and I'm shedding like crazy. My hair (diffuse, hairline intact) is noticably worse than ever. I know I need to be patient but this is friggin depressing. Anyway, I'm tempted to buy the Hairmax Laser Comb from (why there? free shipping + return policy + legit + 5% back). While I don't have $645 burning a hole in my pocket, I suppose I'm in a position where I can afford it. Also, I'm wary of starting the laser comb now until I see any sort of results with finasteride. Will the comb affect shedding (good or bad?)

What say you guys? I know some of you have spoken highly of the comb and that it has been approved for regrowth in Canada. Should I buy now or wait until I know how finasteride is working?

shedding sucks...


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If you can afford the $645 and you don't mind using the comb 15 minutes a day three times a week for the first month and 15 minutes a day two times a week thereafter, I say go for it. If it does nothing else, it will at least make your hair look nicer. It is afterall FDA approved for thickening your hair, and thicker hair gives better scalp coverage.


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I have been using the lasercomb for about 5 weeks, 3x per week for about 15 minutes. I love the thing and it has really helped with my overall scalp health. No more itching, burning,etc. I have also noticed it has thickened my hair slightly. They say it takes 8-12 weeks to see changes in your hair and then 2 months after that to really see some dramatic changes. I say go for it if you can afford it. You have up to 5 months to decide if you wanna keep the damn thing and by that time you should see some changes in your hair from using it. If not send it back.........


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nay.. you'll be trying to sell it here to someone in a couple months like 7 other people.stick to what's known to work.


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I've heard pretty good things about this comb, even on MSNBC, which ran their own objective study, and the comb yielded the second best results out of five or six treatments. But do you know if it's meant for people with really short hair styles? Meaning, do you have to have enough hair for the comb to physically pass through in order for it to work, or is it more the process of waving the laser...stuff by your scalp that does the trick?


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I don't have a short hairstyle, and I am using the Lasercomb.

Ix, why do you believe that it's not known to work? It's FDA approved for hair thickening, and even if that's all it does, thicker hair provides greater scalp coverage, and that's what we're trying to achieve, right? At least for some people it does more than that, it regrows hair, and is approved for that in Canada.


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ix said:
nay.. you'll be trying to sell it here to someone in a couple months like 7 other people.stick to what's known to work.

It is also under going FDA approval for regrowth in the states. Another person talking out der ***!! :wink: Just kidding...............