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Well I've been taking propecia for 2 months for maintenance/slight regrowth and I've had no side effects. Now my parents won't let me take it because they say it's too risky. I've given them all the facts and they still won't listen. What's worse, is that my parents have asked a few pharmacists about propecia and they've all said that it's a bad idea to take it. One pharmacist even said that most poeple who take it, get side effects. My parents are saying stuff like, "nothing may happen now, but in 10 years things will start happening to you".

My parents said that they want me to take topical propecia. Does it work? Does it work as good as the pill?

I just got into an intense argument with my parents. I'm serious about keeping my hair and they think i'm too vain, and that I should be worrying about other stuff. I'm pissed right now.

Any suggestions? Thank you


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How old are you?


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I'm 20 years old and will turn 21 in feb. Before anyone says anything, the college I go to is 15 minutes away from my house and that's why I live at home.


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I'm assuming that you are 18 years old or more? (if you are less than that I understand a bit of your parents concerns - personally I would not take finasteride if I was younger than 18).
If you are 18 it shouldn't matter what your parents think - make your own judgement on finasteride and stick with what you think!

Personally I think that it wouldn't be prescribed if it was dangerous. In these days where people love to sue big companies - I'm sure Merck would have pulled finasteride back it it was bad.

I think what's getting to people the most is taking prescribtion medicine for a cosmetical issue (hair loss).

This is really something you have to decide for yourself - and oh, you're not meant to afree with your parents - thats part of growing up! :lol:


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sorry I was writing my reply to you when others posted. -
please disregard my post then...


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I guess they're doing the old "my house my rules" thing huh? That sucks. You're 21 your old enough to make your own decisions. Get a prescription and fill it.
If you want to argue with them some more tell them about Proscar. It's the same drug just 5x the dose of Propecia and it been around since 1992 and proven to be safe and have minimal side effects.

21gone...we think alike...That's scary :wink:


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tell your parents that its been around for 12 years, and my grandpas been on it that long for prostate problems and no long term side effects, in fact he's the longest living male relative we have in our family for a few generations!


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i understand that you are going to college and live with your parents, but lets face it you are almost 21, there are always ways to get the finasteride and just take it without there knowledge, but only do that if all other reason fails with your parents.

BHD I may only be 21 but I fully support hair rock.


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Thanks for the tips guys. Keep them coming.....It's going to be hard to convince my parents since my mom is a health freak. She believes in all natural remedies, and eating organic,etc.

What I don't get is, why are all these pharmacists damning propecia so much?

Any info about the topical propecia?

I'm thinking about going behind my parents backs until I get more info/convince them that it'll help me.


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they will only come around if deaner admits that is him in his avatar, just tell them deaner was bald and now look at him.


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Re: Thanks...

TJ2002 said:
Thanks for the tips guys. Keep them coming.....It's going to be hard to convince my parents since my mom is a health freak. She believes in all natural remedies, and eating organic,etc.

Uh-oh you may be screwed then. You could try to find some articles with topics like"just becuase it's natural doesn't make it safe"

TJ2002 said:
What I don't get is, why are all these pharmacists damning propecia so much?
They probably don't have male pattern baldness.

TJ2002 said:
Any info about the topical propecia?
There's no such product. Not a legit one anyway.


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My dad spoke to my neighbor who's a pharmacist at a big hospital in my area and the guy spoke horribly of propecia. Guess what? He has a GREAT head of hair. My dad said that he spoke to him like he himself was having the problem, so he wouldn't know about my "problem". My dad is a norwood 7, maybe my neighbor thought that my dad had no chance with propecia and gave him a story?


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Re: Haha..

TJ2002 said:
My dad is a norwood 7, maybe my neighbor thought that my dad had no chance with propecia and gave him a story?

well yea...the guy was probably just trying to do him a favor.
Tell your parents to talk to a Dermatologist that has plenty of hairloss experience.
Talking to just any Dr about finasteride will usually result in negative opinions since they know next to nothing about the drug.


TJ2002, what is the situation with your hair, thinning, receding, diffuse, the valley of death :freaked: etc


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My hair....

Well, my hair has always been thin. But my hair has been losing it's thickness probably since I was 17. I don't have any bald spots or anything like that. If I style my hair, most people would have no clue to my hair loss. I have a widows peak hairline and it seems as if my left hairline is getting a little worse. My dad started losing at 38 and he's a norwood 7 for years now. My moms dad was also bald and I have no clue when he started to lose it. Seems like every guy in our family is bald. I know for a fact it's going to happen to me and I have a feeling it will happen A LOT earlier than 38 like my dad. When my hair is wet after a shower you can see a ton of scalp.

I'm taking action now to maintain and improve before it gets too late.