Sean Stephenson


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not sure if anybody has heard of this guy...hes not bald, but an inspiration nonetheless as far as overcoming physical attention specifically to the beginning of the second clip where he talks about how he "threatens men" because he puts any excuse that men can give (as far as looks are concerned) as to why they aren't successful to shame.... ... re=related

anyways, I know a lot of you will come with negative comments justifying why this post doesn't prove anything...but this is intended for the few people who will actually have a good attitude and take something positive out of this.


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thanks for the vids dude.

Never heard or seen this guy before. I think the main problem for him would be what his problem was in 7th grade. When that nice looking girl left him because for her to be seen with him wasnt a good look around her freinds due to the pee pressure of being with a "hotter guy".

I think he would still face that alot actually. Woman care what other woman think just like guys care what other guys think. Id love to see his girl friend.