Seborrheic Dermatitis And Hair Loss.


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Hi, I have been using finasteride for about 3 years now. Recently started dutasteride and have still seen a gradual exacerbation of hair loss. I made a thread before and posted pictures of the shedding I experience. I deleted the pics because It was gross and I was getting to obsessive.

Recently I had another flare up of my seborrheic dermatitis, and my scalp started itching. I would comb hairs and tons would fall out with a yellow greasy bulb that was a few millimeters in radius. My scalp hurts now, when I touch and move it or flip my hair from side to side.

I have now used Nizoral shampoo 1% for the last 3 weeks and have seen eradication from the flakes. But the pain and the itchiness still persist. My scalp feels like it is bruised.

I think I may have developed trichotillomania. As I constantly touch my hair and obsess over male pattern baldness, I am constantly rubbing my crown, teasing it, styling it to get rid of itch/hide the recession. I'm trying hard to stop now.

I need to know if anyone out there has beaten this, and if nizoral causes more scalp pain. My scalp seems to be fried ever since I started using nizoral,

I have recently done a blood test to confirm that my Dht levels are low, the results will come today. I feel depressed and miserable. My hair has gone to sh*t because of this disease.

Worst part is I think I may have caused it. Years ago I used to pull hair to assess if treatments are working(I know, what the f*** was I thinking). I have since stopped but Idk man. Is the loss permanent, can you get your hair back?. I am in such a dark place right now.


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Hey man. I have severe seb derm as well and the only thing that helped me ever, and ive tried almost everything from finasteride to dutasteride to seti etc.., is selsun blue medicated (red label). It has selenium sulfide and its one of the better antifungals. It helped more than nizoral 2% or tar shampoo ever did. Leave it on for t minutes, rinse with warm water and then another 5 minutes and rinse with cold water. It will help within like 3 days if not the first time you do it


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Hey man. I have severe seb derm as well and the only thing that helped me ever, and ive tried almost everything from finasteride to dutasteride to seti etc.., is selsun blue medicated (red label). It has selenium sulfide and its one of the better antifungals. It helped more than nizoral 2% or tar shampoo ever did. Leave it on for t minutes, rinse with warm water and then another 5 minutes and rinse with cold water. It will help within like 3 days if not the first time you do it

Ziggyz123, Thanks for the suggestion bro, I will try give this a try, hope it is available in my pharmacy. Btw Ziggyz123, is your hair improving, did you see a reduction in hairloss, pain, itch etc?


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Hey again.. my hair is kinda beat, but selsun took away that bruised feeling and 70 percent of my itch which, for me, is incredible. You can get it at cvs, walgreens, grocery stores, etc.. just use how i said and you will see results for sure

Hangin'on Hair

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I used to have seb derm bad in my hair line/temple area when I first started noticing hairloss.
I still get bad flare ups on my face every now and then.
The thing is, I used to get little scabs in my hairline from it. You know, those little fuckers that are just asking to be picked.
And that's what I used to do. Pick them. And around 10-12 hairs would come out with them. That was the
stupidest thing I could have done.
Don't pick!
I think this might have caused some permanent loss, because I have some very small, completely bald areas on my temples.
Another thing that helps with seb derm
, is apple cider vinegar. I usually do a rinse with it once or twice a week.
About an ounce of ACV to about 4 ounces of water. Dump it on your head after you have rinsed out your shampoo. Let it sit a few minutes, then rinse with cool water.
It might burn if you have a bad flare up, but it does help


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I used to have seb derm bad in my hair line/temple area when I first started noticing hairloss.
I still get bad flare ups on my face every now and then.
The thing is, I used to get little scabs in my hairline from it. You know, those little fuckers that are just asking to be picked.
And that's what I used to do. Pick them. And around 10-12 hairs would come out with them. That was the
stupidest thing I could have done.
Don't pick!
I think this might have caused some permanent loss, because I have some very small, completely bald areas on my temples.
Another thing that helps with seb derm
, is apple cider vinegar. I usually do a rinse with it once or twice a week.
About an ounce of ACV to about 4 ounces of water. Dump it on your head after you have rinsed out your shampoo. Let it sit a few minutes, then rinse with cool water.
It might burn if you have a bad flare up, but it does help

I have tried this, I don't know if they helped because I wasn't so consistent with them. Plus My Acv wasn't organic. But I may consider adding it weekly. And I experienced the burn too. Worst part about this whole ordeal is the scalp pain/burn. I talked to so many dermatologists about this but they all give me the it's just dandruff/seborrheic dermatitis and male pattern baldness.

Worst thing about this sh*t is that I don't know what is causing my pain, me picking the scabs with my comb a few weeks ago or starting nizoral. Maybe the shampoo irritated my already inflamed and raw scalp. Just talking about it makes me sick.


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Hey again.. my hair is kinda beat, but selsun took away that bruised feeling and 70 percent of my itch which, for me, is incredible. You can get it at cvs, walgreens, grocery stores, etc.. just use how i said and you will see results for sure

Ziggyz123, Hey man I went through your threads so I could learn more about this condition as these kind of posts are rare around here. Most people only complain about Androgenetic hair loss. damn bro, We have the exact same condition. Right down to the hair root thing. Only mine is much much scalier and flaky but dissolves into a wax if you rub it around your fingers( Grotesque, sorry!).


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Try P & S liquid, is like a mild version of derma smoothe scalp oil which contains the steroid fluocinolone and can be harsh, it works by softening scales so it doesn't pull the hair out, I have had positive results leaving it for 3-4 hrs with a shower cap, then shampooing with salicylic acid, but its not a cure, about the hair loss I saw a young woman on YouTube, she said she had to used tweezers to pulled out very thick scales on her scalp, and the hair came back, so sometimes it may not be permanent