Second Major Shed - Maybe Stress Related?


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Hi Guys,

I first noticed my hair thinning around 2 years ago. I figured old age had caught up on me but was, to be quite frank quite pissed off about it.

So I decided to grow it whilst I still could.

Now at the point I started growing it I kinda forgot to take my Simvastatin for a couple of months and noticed that it had stopped shedding so assumed that was the cause.

So there I was, new growth, long hair and to be fair I thought all my Christmas's had come at once. Brilliant.

That was around Feb.

Now the sad part of the story lol

I've been shedding like mad the last month or so. So much so that today I shaved my head rather than go through the stress of watching more fall out.

The only thing thats really changed this last month is that I've been majorly stressed this last month.

I'm totally willing to accept that its male pattern baldness. I guess I'm hoping that its just stress related and that I can hope to see regrowth in 6 months ish.

When it shedded the first time it started from the crown, going towards the front. Leaving the traditional island for a while of course :)

This time it seems to have just affected the front part. (not receeding)I've also noticed a number of eyebrow/eyelash hairs on the pillow but to the eye they look fine.

Dont know if its worth mentioning that no immediate or distant relative has suffered anything more than thinning in their autumn years.

What do you guys think? Does this sounds like male pattern baldness?

Now I've shaved it to a .1 I'm not massively bothered, I kinda got my head round the prospect of losing my hair last time it started shedding but it wasnt an easy ride.

I think more money should be put into counselling guys about hairloss than cures.

I'f we didnt give a sh*t it wouldnt be a problem :)
