Second Shed with Minoxidil.Freaked out please help


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I am a newbee here and let me tell you this is an amazing site.

OK now please help me guys.I started Propecia in december 2004 and had great results till september 2005 when i started shedding again so in november 2005 i started Minoxidil and after a seriously bad shed I was not losing any hair and my hair thickened but by the end of may this year I started shedding again.Is this normal.Things have improved abit in the last 3-4 days but the shed is still a lot more than a couple of monhs ago.

Is a second shed common after 6 months.How long does it last.Or maybe Minoxidil does not work with me anymore.Please help me out guys.


Hans Gruber

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ive been on mino for 7 months and my 2nd shed lasted the best part of nearly 2 months,relax.take no notice,itll come back :hairy:


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sheds don't mean anything.
unless the pictures show you are losing ground or your moving up the Norwood scale you don't need to panic.


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Hey guys.Thank you for your replies.

I have seen my slight bald patch at the back which had gone due to minoxidil has come back due to the hair loss.Hopefuly this will pass but it is always at the abck of your mind maybe this is the final goodbye to your hair

Libertine I was reading your old posts and love your attitude about loving sheds and being positive.Wish I was as strong

Any more replies would be well appreciated.Will keep you updated so that anyone else facing a similar situatio will know what to expect

Hans Gruber

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hey scared ,thanks for the is always a little disconcerting going through a shed but i expected it from reading this forum and basically listening to people when they say itll grow back,if i had started treatments and shed and i hadnt been aware of this and other forums maybe i would have given up.

just stick with it and think that if you stop treatments you will definitely not grow ya hair back,thats really the only thing i need to know to keep me on them

good luck :hairy:


scarednow said:
I am a newbee here and let me tell you this is an amazing site.

OK now please help me guys.I started Propecia in december 2004 and had great results till september 2005 when i started shedding again so in november 2005 i started Minoxidil and after a seriously bad shed I was not losing any hair and my hair thickened but by the end of may this year I started shedding again.Is this normal.Things have improved abit in the last 3-4 days but the shed is still a lot more than a couple of monhs ago.

Is a second shed common after 6 months.How long does it last.Or maybe Minoxidil does not work with me anymore.Please help me out guys.


What do you mean with Shed? How many hairs?

You must be talking about losing more than 200 a day, I guess.

I never stopped shedding.. Never.

I don't count my hairs anymore. It's useless.

I just try to see if my thinning get worser or not. Or if I regrew some hair.

Counting how many hairs I lose and complaining is useless. Because I know I will never stop losing hair. Never. No matter what I drink or take.

The only thing that ever stopped my hairloss was shaving my head.


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I dont know exactly how many hairs but a lot more than a month and a bit ago. 15 when i shampoos.20 when i comb in when it is wet.20 in the morning on the pillow and god knows how many during the day.Earlier on Minoxidil it was 5 shampoo 5 combing wet hair and 5 in the morning.

Waiting for this to end if it ever does.Spoke to my Doctor and he said he didnt think a second shed on Minoxidil was common.

BUT .................


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After 2 months of 20 hairs on the pillow and 20 on the shirt and so many more during the day.I finally have seen 3 days with virtually no hair on the pillow and minimal hair on the shirt.

I still see some hair when I shompoo and when i comb it for the first time but it is so much less.

The dreaded second shed finally seems to be over.Thank God for that and thanks to everyone here who encouraged me.Hope someone facing the second shed sees this post and relaxes.

Hope I am not getting my hopes to because it is still there while shampooing but .....


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scarednow said:

After 2 months of 20 hairs on the pillow and 20 on the shirt and so many more during the day.I finally have seen 3 days with virtually no hair on the pillow and minimal hair on the shirt.

I still see some hair when I shompoo and when i comb it for the first time but it is so much less.

The dreaded second shed finally seems to be over.Thank God for that and thanks to everyone here who encouraged me.Hope someone facing the second shed sees this post and relaxes.

Hope I am not getting my hopes to because it is still there while shampooing but .....
good to hear, dont flip out if there r some days u shed a little more even again...i went through the same second shed u went through, the part of my hair that had thickened up (vertex) got thin again after the shed..its slowly coming back again after month 9...which makes sense because it was about 3 months (6 month mark) that my 2nd shed began