Second Transplant - 4000 - Vertex + Sides


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My Regimen
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Hello Everyone,

I am a 33 year old male and had my second hair transplant in Feb 2016. Its been roughly 8 months but i am still not seeing the kind of results that i would have expected (cliche but true :)). Transplanted close 4000 grafts using FUT in both the crown and sides. I have uploaded my day after transplant picture and my current crown area. I had a few specific questions for your gurus here:

1) What is your overall impression of the transplant as of now (8 months post)?
2) Is it true that crown usually takes more time ?
3) I was also experiencing some hair loss lately but i think that might have been due to an iron deficiency (started iron supplements). Think the thinning would reverse? Noticed lesser hair fall since I started taking the supplements
4) Do you think smoking and hair loss is associated? I know many doctors tend to deny this. I am not a heavy smoker, but may be 2 a day.
5) If you zoom in my current picture you will notice these small tiny hair as well. Not sure if this is due to minoxidil or are these the transplanted hair that are growing. I wasnt completed bald from the top before the surgery. Do you think these small hair will grow to become terminal hair if they are due to minoxidil?
6) I dint get satisfactory results from my first transplant hair and also noticed some of the transplanted hair to fall off. Can iron/mineral deficiency cause transplanted hair to fall? I had heard that transplanted hair is not influenced by male pattern loss so i am still curious as to why they fell out.
7) Do you think transplanted hair can still sprout both from the vertex and sides looking at the time line? Also would the mineral deficiency cause transplanted hair to delay their maturing?

Anyways, i know i have a lot of questions there and hopefully there would be others in the forum that will benefit from your answers as well!

Thanks for your time.



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Established Member
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Looks like a low yield. I am sure this must be very frustrating. Were both surgeries from the same doctor?

Jason Canning

My Regimen
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1. You should be seeing more regrowth than you currently do.
2. Yes this is true.
3.I doubt it would make a significant difference.
4. There is no evidence to support this claim.
5. Impossible to say unless you specify when you started minoxidil
6. As aforementioned I do not think Fe would cause any significant change. There are a multitude of factors why you have had poor regrowth. Who is your doctor?
7.Yes it is still possible to see regrowth. For the third time minerals and all that cra* doesn't make a difference.


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It does not look like you got 4000 grafts, it is more like 1500, at least that is how it looks to me. Maybe they told you 4000 follicles, since some grafts have two or three follicles per graft, but I doubt you even got that many. if you paid for 4000 grafts all you have to do it count them and see for yourself.

From the size though you really did need 4000 grafts, which would have been 10,000 hairs.

From what is growing it looks very weak, the hair should be stronger than that. Wherever you went i would not use them again.


Established Member
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I doubt very much you are suffering from a mineral deficiency. Why aren't you on finasteride?