seeing old friends


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my college roommate was in town today, and i was very grateful that this past week my hair has looked good so i didn't have to worry about that, but of course we were bullshitting about college memories past and he said oh look you still have all your hair, and brought up that four years ago i was flipping out and bitching that i was losing a lot of hairs in the shower (this shed eventually stopped and i didn't lose anymore, or at least not much, for four years until recently) and laughed. i of course laughed about it. ha, if only he knew that everynight i'm on trying like hell to keep my hair! it was weird, but it felt slightly liberating that he thought i still looked the same after four years, even though i know i don't, i almost felt like for a second that i DIDN'T have a hairloss problem, but don't worry it wasn't a true denial, more of a break from my worries. i felt especially good about it because i was sitting around with three other guys that definitely had some hairloss problems going on (including my roommate) definitely worse than me.

anyway, just a random story, something to read, sometimes it gets dull just browsing through the other posts. any stories to add to liven up the forum a bit.

side note: the one guy with serious recession/thinning has a hot *** girlfriend, so the hairloss can't be that big of a deal. peace.


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Yea ive seen bald dudes with 10/10 girls. I do think it matters, just not that much.

Green Soap

Established Member
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A lot of it is mental. If you can beat that, you've mostly won. Even if you lose all your hair, they can't take away your manhood unless you give it away as a package deal.