Seeking Opinions


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I am 31 years old and considering my hair transplant options. I have noticed thinning in the crown and temples since I was 28, though it probably started at 27. My brother is four years older and has just a tad more hair loss, without using any medication or anything else.

finasteride is not an option due to side effects (no point on a whole back and forth about this; suffice it to say I'm not considering taking finasteride again). I don't use Min either.

Last year I went to three doctors. Dr. Feller (in keeping with his conservative reputation) told me not to do anything. The other two suggested about 1,000 grafts in the crown and a combined total of 1,000 in the temples.

As with many people, my main question is whether an hair transplant now would be too aggressive and force me to have many future hair transplants. I was told I have enough donor hair to cover any hair I could possibly lose, but I don't want to pay for hair transplants every three years.

Another important question is whether the hair transplant will do more harm than good. I have a fair amount of hair and there could be a lot of shockloss.


(As you can see, I have a few forelock hairs hanging on. The left temple is more receded than the right.)

I'd be very appreciative of hearing your opinions.

El Nino

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It is risky to get a hair transplant without taking Finasteride at your age, if you were in your fifties then it would be different.

I agree with Dr. Feller and think you should wait. I don't think you have lost enough hair yet for a hair transplant.

What about your Father, Grand Fathers and Uncles? Do they significant loss?


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El Nino said:
What about your Father, Grand Fathers and Uncles? Do they significant loss?

The genetics are fairly inconclusive.

Father: Excellent hair. No real loss.
Paternal Uncle: Completely bald
Paternal Grandfather: Bald

Maternal Uncle: Excellent hair. No loss.
Maternal Grandfather: Good hair.

Brother: 4 years old and his hair is just a little bit worse than mine. If I were in the same position as I am now, at 34, would you say it would be safe to go ahead with the hair transplant? That will be the position I'm in if I progress like my brother has.


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Rawtashk said:
Hold off....unless you want to be 40 with nothing but a hairline left :p

I have curly hair, a pale complexion, and thick donor hair. I was told that as a result I have enough donor follicles to cover all the areas vulnerable to male pattern baldness.

So it may be more likely I'll be 40 with nothing in the bank, rather than nothing on my head. :-(

That's why I'm thinking of going with strip, which is almost half the price.

I've heard that balding slows down in the 30s. If that's the case, then maybe I don't need to wait that long.

El Nino

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neuromet said:
Brother: 4 years old and his hair is just a little bit worse than mine. If I were in the same position as I am now, at 34, would you say it would be safe to go ahead with the hair transplant? That will be the position I'm in if I progress like my brother has.

If I were you I would wait until you have a significant bald spot in the crown or until your hairline has receded further.

I wouldn't transplant into any areas where you still have a lot of native hair.


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I dont know much about transplants, but i would sacrifice the crown area to keep a Norwood 1.5-2 hairline. Maybe I am wrong, but I would rather have a close to original density as possible NW2 with whatever crown I can get over a thin/transparent not gonna fool anyone NW0. Just my 0.02


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It's definitely good hearing others' thoughts. There seem to be three objections to getting the hair transplant now:

1. Don't get a hair transplant because you'll lose the native hair.
2. Don't get a hair transplant because your hair may get worse and then you'll be screwed.
3. Don't get a hair transplant at all without finasteride.

My thoughts, in turn.

1. This is definitely a major consideration. I'm just not clear on what happens to the native hair. I assume only miniaturizing hair would fall out, and then only if I'm one of the approximately 20% of men who get shock loss. But if the hair is currently miniaturized, then at some point in the next to three years it's going to go anyway, right? Is shock loss less likely with FUE?

2. Another major consideration. But I'm 31 and my hair loss has been mild. It's unlikely I'm going to be an NW5. And the surgeons said I have enough donor hair in any case. So maybe the risk isn't that great.

3. I have the same response to point 3 as to point 2.