Seems as my cheast hair is growing faster again.



And I´m losing more hairs in the shower.

Don´t really know what to make of this. Well I understand some basics - my body responded to finasteride by upping the production of testosterone and I´m approaching step 1 again. I´m into my fifth month on finasteride/nizoral (nizoral not 3 times aweek) and I added spironolactone like 3 weeks ago.

Let me tell you what really bothers me, what really bothers me is that I have no itching, no inflammed scalp no hairs on the pillow. What I do have is thick black hairs falling out when I wash my hair and that f*****g downs me.

Don´t know what my next step is - flouridil I guess.


New Member
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well if ur in ur fifth month maybe your still going through ur sheeding process.


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Wierd. Was just browsing the forum looking for something to answer the same problem. I am just entering my sixth month on finasteride, no more hair on my pillow but just washed my hair and i swear at least a 100 hairs came out!

The majority of it is the same thickness in both ends and have an overall good quality - but it still falls out! The hair fall out came down a lot a couple of months ago but suddently again! sh*t!

Any ideas? Anyone?


I know it really f*****g sux! I thought I was a brilliant responder by month 3½ and by month 4½ I´m thinking it won´t work.


It´s not that, I fear that my body simply will up the does of DHT or whatever enzym that finasteride blocks to even it out.

The way I noticed finasteride working was body hair went bye bye, now it seems to be back and also my hair feels much more limp and I´m sure I lost more in the shower lately.

Well anyway I think this all sucks and I´m seriously praying for stemcells to become a reality within the not so distant future - don´t tell me it´s gonna be ten years, I don´t belive that.


Senior Member
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The hairs you are seeing in the shower are probably due to finasteride shedding or normal everyday shed. You should be happy that the hairs are thick black hairs and not gray or colorless hairs that gradually thin toward the root.

Just hang on buddy. Give it a full year.



Thanks man. I will, I guess.

It´s just lame, hairloss. It doesn´t make sense. I swear no pics on this forum would do justice to the hair I had 6 months ago and when I was 28. HLT´s picks of four years ago PALES in comparison. And today I swear 30% of that is just GONE! and the rest is limp.

I never had the horrible scalp! never. Ok I had dandruff maybe a couple of time in my 29 year old life and sure some itchyness but hey I used to wash my hair every 10 days or so.

If I don´t respond giventhose circumstances then I wanna know who will.