Self Administered PRP-AAA Stem Cell Injections Experiment (Discuss)


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Well, after waiting 5 years and seeing some but not to much progress in new hair restoration studies I've decided that I'm going to step in and start doing my own hands on study/research.

The purpose of this thread is to stir up some discussion on the topic that could add to any success later on. What the plan is is to extract a few ml of blood from myself, centrifuge it to separate the red blood cells from the platelet rich plasma, extract A.A.A stem cells from the permanent donor area of the scalp, incubate and multiply the cells and inject both the PRP+A.A.A cells into the receding hairline.

Only one injection will be made along the receding hairline to observe any changes to miniaturized follicles or new vellus hairs. If new vellus hairs emerge, a similar injection will be made in a bald region to see if new vellus hairs can be coaxed into life. *Traumatizing the area with a derma roller pre/post injection could increase the chances of stimulating hair regrowth.*

Currently, I'm debating the best way to harvest the stem cells. Whether a hair follicle will need to be punched out and dissected or if they can be extracted leaving the hair follicle to live on.

So, what is your take on this? If positive results are made, what other compounds do you feel should/need to be added to increase and maintain hair regrowth?

The experiment will start in January after more research is done while I collect the proper equipment.

(I realize a similar method can be used to collect and culture fibroblasts to inject them into the dermis to help repair collagen/elastin. This would make your face look younger so I will look into combining both treatments. There is already a company selling this treatment so this backs up my idea that histogen, aderans, or replicel should be out within 2-3 years.)


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That's and interesting idea but way beyond anything I'd be willing to try. I'd be concerned about the stem cells turning into something besides hair follicles or into some type of cancer cell. I know PRP
injections alone have been tried and as far as I know mixed results. Good luck, I'm interested in seeing your progress.


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Epidermal stem cells should only be limited to growing hair follicles, repairing damaged skin tissue, etc, if they aren't being modified so I shouldn't see anything out of place. I shouldn't have to worry about cancer either since there's no reason for these cells to mutate. This should all be as safe as a skin graft since all that's being done is the harvesting of healthy epidermal stem cells from the scalp and re-inserting them back into the scalp into a different but localized region.

The only downside I can see is the hair in the area that has stem cells extracted might not be as healthy later in life since stem cells do age and your skin will have to make up for anything harvested. The other downside is this is a lot like replicel and I don't think they are doing to well at restoring hair atm. I'm not hoping to grow new follicles but just to repair the tissue/environment so that hair can grow again.