Self-confidence Is In The Shitter... Seriously Considering Hairline Restoration, Need Guidance.

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I am a 32-year-old male who is struggling to come to terms with my hair loss. I had massive diffuse thinning shortly before turning 19, 2003, and at the time was convinced that complete baldness was a couple years away. I followed this forum and many others religiously at that time and immediately went on the big three and my hair quickly rebounded within four months. I had difficulty at the time affording the upkeep so I quit everything but somehow managed to avoid any further notable loss (give or take a centimeter here or there on the hairline) till 2016 hit.

I have no clue why I've made little progress this time around with the treatment plan I've been using (see list below) but I've lost a massive amount of density on my crown, vertex, and especially my temples. I've patiently spent the past 18 months trying to stop the recession and hollowing out of the areas behind my temples but all I've managed to do is grow a few vellus hairs. I had my serum DHT level tested and it's on the same level as a 6-year-old boy.

I'm at the point now where I'm seriously considering reinforcing my hairline and deep into my temple region and I've already settled on Konior as the surgeon given his work with dense graft placement without damaging native hair. Like many of you I keep holding on to hope for the few future treatments discussed here but I'm not sure I can go another five+ years staring in the mirror and loathing what I see. My rate of recession is very slow so I'll at least have a few years where I won't have to worry about filling in gaps behind any transplanted hair.

Would you recommend a transplant at this point or would you suggest continued medical treatment. Should I go forward with surgery, roughly how many grafts am I looking at if my goal is to put density back along and behind the red line marked in my pictures?

Propecia .5mg EOD since 05/2016
Dutasteride .5 EOD since 11/2016
Nizoral 1x weekly since 01/2016
Minoxidil 5% nightly since 01/2016
1.5 mm needling 1x weekly since 01/2017


  • Crown.jpg
    82 KB · Views: 337
  • Left Temple.jpg
    Left Temple.jpg
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  • RightTemple.jpg
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Experienced Member
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There is not enough loss yet to do a hair transplant, the risk outweighs the gains. You already look better than 95% of hair transplant patients.


My Regimen
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Maybe wait until after the hair conference in the Fall just in case we get some release dates?

Your hair does not look bad to me.

Have you stabilized the loss? or is it still shedding?
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Maybe wait until after the hair conference in the Fall just in case we get some release dates?

Your hair does not look bad to me.

Have you stabilized the loss? or is it still shedding?

Recession stabalized after the massive shock loss in late 2015. Saw even more thinning after adding Duta seven months ago (the amazing thickening that was supposed to follow never materialized).