Selston Clinic


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Hi all,
Currently considering FUE treatment for my hairloss and researching various clinics to go to. After searching google I came across Selston Clinic and after reading about them and the service they offer ie money back guarantee for maintaining hair grafts and general openness re the surgeon Raghu Reddy I'm quite impressed but I cannot find any reviews about this set-up in any forums.... does anybody have any info on them or personal experience they could pass on?


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Dude dont even think about it. :shakehead:

If you cant see how terrible that place is its obvious you really need to do A LOT more research.


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Sorry s.a.f I dont understand, can you add a bit more clarity around what you mean.. I get the picture UK clinics dont have a very good reputation but without stereotyping I would like to make a decision based on facts around their practice.


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An obvious 'general cosmetic surgery' chopshop, just like the Hospital group. Go to a named clinic where you know all about the owner/surgeons who'll actualy be doing the op..

There are 1000's of surgeons who'll perform hair transplant's (amongst other things like Lipo, boobjobs facelifts ... ect) but very few who specialize in it.

Dont be suckered in by promises, (they all say their wonderful and that their surgeon is the best) but you can bet you'll still have to sign a disclaimer before sugery. Ask anyone who's been butchered once the damage is done thats it - too late and getting any compensation is practicly impossible.
Dont risk it go to one of the 'famous' clinics that has built up a great rep, and can give you at least 100 satisfied customers to recommend them.

BTW WhoTF is Raghu Reddy? Going to a surgeon you've never heard of is like buying a car the make of which you've never heard of.


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On a worldwide level Farjo is 5hit. :thumbdown2:

Fact is all the top foriegn surgeons get repair patients coming from the UK every single week. Feller told me they make up about 40% of his trade.


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that's the problem of many guys from here and out there...they are thinking that an hair transplant can make matter who is the surgeon no matter how bald you are...for ex. i have a friend that at 21 is obvoiusly going to be in the next 2 years a norwood 6 but he keep telling me to say that he is not bothered by hair loss because he we'll get an hair transplant in 1 year or so...a lot of guys...maybe at least 80% of them that are balding are not even good candidates for a hair transplant but they still put all the trust in this...but i know...i was in the same boat some time ago...but i searched a lot on forums and internet and i have seen that an hair transplant is not for least at 24 years old.
btw people a lot of good results from there are masked with toppik and nanogen...don't believe that an hair transplant will bring back your normal density...
take care!


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Yeah basicly a hair transplant is there in most cases to improve your situation. Its not there to give a bald guy back a perfect full head of hair.
It will at best help bring a NW4/5 back to a NW2.
But in all cases you have to make sure you get it done by a pro not an amatuer, and the most ones out there are not pro's.