
Sensitive Skin: Looking For A Breathable Systems & Skin-kind Glue/tape


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Hi everyone,

This is my first post on this forum.

I recently bought a poly Hair System which was bonded to my scalp using Ghost Bond and a little tape. Three days after I purchased the system I had to have it removed due to an overwhelming feeling of my head feeling trapped under the system. My scalp felt hot, contained, uncomfortable and itchy.

My questions are as follows (if anyone could chip in with their experience, that would be great):

1. Would a lace base be more breathable and more comfortable than a poly base?

2. Is tape a more comfortable solution for bonding than glue?

3. Are all hair systems warm and tight or are there breathable solutions for those who hate that tight feeling?

4. Is removing a hair system before bed each night destined to limit the life of the piece?

Thanks in advance for all feedback.



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Is it all poly? Like the entire thing? A lace should fix it I would think, have you worn systems before with no issues?


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Is it all poly? Like the entire thing? A lace should fix it I would think, have you worn systems before with no issues?
I think it's mainly poly with some little pockets of lace. This was my first system. Thanks for your reply!


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Yeah, if it's a skin system, it will get hot, and uncomfortable


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You can do poly permiter and lace for the main area, should be much better


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Hi Nathan

1. Would a lace base be more breathable and more comfortable than a poly base?

Yes, I think you will find a lace base far more comfortable. Poly is not breathable at all - it is impermeable - whereas lace is very airy and breathable.

2. Is tape a more comfortable solution for bonding than glue?

Not necessarily; they should be about the same. If you experienced a lot of itching that may indicate that there was a bit of allergic reaction to the adhesive. You could try a different adhesive, or alternatively use a scalp protector, which is a liquid which you apply before you put on the adhesive, and which dries to form an invisible barrier layer.

3. Are all hair systems warm and tight or are there breathable solutions for those who hate that tight feeling?

No, you should hardly be able to feel the system once it's attached. I think you will find lace is at least a partial solution to your problems.

4. Is removing a hair system before bed each night destined to limit the life of the piece?

Modern fine lace systems are not designed to be removed for bed, and I think daily removal would take a toll of the lace, maybe stretching it and causing wrinkles. If you want to remove daily I would suggest you order your system with a poly rim around the back and sides, to give it a bit more stability, and to provide a more robust surface for attaching and detaching tape. You can get tape specially formulated for daily wearers which has lower tac, so you can peel it off at night and re-use the same tape the next morning.



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Hi Nathan

1. Would a lace base be more breathable and more comfortable than a poly base?

Yes, I think you will find a lace base far more comfortable. Poly is not breathable at all - it is impermeable - whereas lace is very airy and breathable.

2. Is tape a more comfortable solution for bonding than glue?

Not necessarily; they should be about the same. If you experienced a lot of itching that may indicate that there was a bit of allergic reaction to the adhesive. You could try a different adhesive, or alternatively use a scalp protector, which is a liquid which you apply before you put on the adhesive, and which dries to form an invisible barrier layer.

3. Are all hair systems warm and tight or are there breathable solutions for those who hate that tight feeling?

No, you should hardly be able to feel the system once it's attached. I think you will find lace is at least a partial solution to your problems.

4. Is removing a hair system before bed each night destined to limit the life of the piece?

Modern fine lace systems are not designed to be removed for bed, and I think daily removal would take a toll of the lace, maybe stretching it and causing wrinkles. If you want to remove daily I would suggest you order your system with a poly rim around the back and sides, to give it a bit more stability, and to provide a more robust surface for attaching and detaching tape. You can get tape specially formulated for daily wearers which has lower tac, so you can peel it off at night and re-use the same tape the next morning.

This is extremely helpful Noah, thank you for taking the time to reply with such good detail. Do you know if tapes are considered to be possibly kinder to sensitive skin than glue?


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Hi Nathan

Anecdotally I would say I have more often heard about people having issues - usually itching or rashes - with glue than with tape. However, there is a recent thread where one of our posters who is medically qualified - Toobad - expressed strong views about this, and as I understand it he considers the adhesive on tape to be more likely to create issues. Worth having a look:



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Hi Nathan

Anecdotally I would say I have more often heard about people having issues - usually itching or rashes - with glue than with tape. However, there is a recent thread where one of our posters who is medically qualified - Toobad - expressed strong views about this, and as I understand it he considers the adhesive on tape to be more likely to create issues. Worth having a look:

Interesting, I guess it’s all a question of balancing what might be an acceptable level of risk to achieve the desired outcome


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To chime in, all tapes gave me an allergic reaction.

White glue, I've tried Ghostbond XL and Platinum so far, has not.