Everybody in the test grew hair....................but the increases weren't as high as probably hoped for. THe percentages were from 13% increases to 103% increases in a given area.
The amount of shots wasn't super-high however, and that is something that might be tried in ensuing trials. They are going to try eight more guys this next time. They are trying different "cell culturing" and cell injection methods (amount of injects, particular depths of injections, probably mixtures of depths in each inject, etc.) to find the optimal dosages.
The injection protocol will probably be something a guy goes back and has more than once at first several months later to keep buffing up the new hair growth
I personally feel like the 12 weeks that they gave the hair to grow in some circumstances insn't quite long enough and openly wonder if some of these men might have better growth a few more months out, but that is neither here nor there.
The good news is that everyone grew some permanent donor-area characteristic hair, despite the fact that none were on finasteride or any other kind of treatment, so we know its de noveau hair with donor-area genetics or revived hair with donor-area influenced genetic characteristics.
There are attempts by some to paint the results as a failure, but one guy has over twice the thickness that he had...................of "good" hair nonetheless.
I think remaining on treatments in the now to keep the scalp as "hair friendly" as possible without inflammation, excessive collagen deposition, and fibrosis will help one be a much better resonder to HM.
Remember, even though existing hair might not seem to be any different, its been postulated that existing hair will 'intake' some of the genetic DNA from the better donor-area cell injects, and thus influence existing hair on the top of the head to be much more like donor hair. In other words, even if treatments are helping you keep your hair up there, the new procedure will probably make it become "like donor hair" or much more like donor hair so that its not-so-hard to keep in the future. HM might one day be used to just keep a man from ever losing his hair in the first place when he is 18 years old and that he might have a few "top ups" in his lifetime every few years to just keep it.
THe news is encouraging if youve really read up on this. There are many out there who will say that minoxidil can grow this much hair, but the difference is that THIS hair is PERMANENT.........................................and that this is from merely ONE INSTNACE OF INJECTIONS. Hell, you can have injects 10 times a year if you'd like, which will no doubt buffer it up.
There is another (unmentionable here) site whose posters really follow this stuff much more closely, but I cant mention its unspeakable name here because it pisses hairlosstalk off.