Serious Question About Dating And Current Relationship


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I'm 22 fairly and got a lot going for me. I'm starting nursing school in 2 weeks and my hairloss has been becoming noticable to me ( everyone else thinks i'm not balding except the close relatives who I showed with wet hair). I have an amazing gilrfriend and the sex is great. She knows about my hairloss and her dad is about a nw5-6 age 60 so shes used to bald men. The thing is she is seriously so pretty and an amazing person. I too am a very caring person but my looks have severely tanked in the last year being with her. She says she doesn't mind my hairloss and doesn't want me to take propecia and f*** up my life. She says hairloss doesn't matter to her but we were seriously the cutest couple even 6 months ago I almost don't believe her when she says it doesn't matter. The only reason I want to take Propecia is in case she is lying and we don't work out and I'm left having an extremely hard time dating women. Is is all in my head or would you guys jump on finasteride if you had a very stable relationship with a beautiful girl already? I hope that makes sense. I'm okay with balding, I'm not okay with losing this girl and feeling alone. It has never been hard for me to attract women.I'm sorry for users who read this and say I should be thankful. I am thankful but also fear of being alone someday due to hairloss. The only reason I don't take propecia is because Im afraid of side effects and losing my current gf because I can't sexually please her.


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I would take propecia


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sooner or later u will break up

she will find nw1 with heartbeat

you will be baldcuck with wasted finasteride time

check the odds

Captain Rex

Established Member
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sooner or later u will break up

she will find nw1 with heartbeat

you will be baldcuck with wasted finasteride time

check the odds


we can get a cure (maybe a maintenance treatment) within 5 years
and he can live happily with this girl

Christoppp just start finasteride if u see sides then lower the dose ( it really works).


My Regimen
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My situation is kinda similar.

I take propecia 2 times a week á 1,25gr.