Seriously, wtf is this?


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half of the hair that sheds on my head has this brown sebum-like substance stuck on one end. its almost like hardened brown pus or smthg. so u guys get this? is this anything remotely related to an oily scalp, dunddruff or male pattern baldness?

Bob Booley

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that is a classic sign of male pattern baldness

when you have brown, hardened substances at the root of your hairs, it means male pattern baldness is beginning to take affect

better get on propecia as soon as possible


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i want to get on propecia but i have acne and extremely oily skin problems. would propecia mess up my hormones and cause me to break out more?


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Where the hell do you get your info from Bob?


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Bob is what we call a "Creative". Too bad he can't make a living from it.

jerry grant

Bob Booley

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grantspots, it's really funny that you said I can't make a living being creative!!!


for a living, I illustrate the books for the children's series' "Franklin the Turtle" and I also animate for his television show- check it out sometime, it's one of the most popular kids' series in the world right now

yup, I am definitely creative AND i make a living from it!!!

eat it, grampspots



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Bob, quit beatin' your chest. Unless your name is Brenda Clark, I highly doubt that you've used your computer skills to do anything more than execute other people's work. Now go back to punching the keys and watching the render like the good little employee you are....

jerry grant

Bob Booley

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Brenda Clark... retired, and was the creator of Franklin... now that she's done, Nelvana Studios (now called Corus Entertainment) hires graduates from animation schools to illustrate the Franklin series... their division called 'Kids Can Press' is where I had my interview about 5-6 weeks ago. I got the job and am now illustrating for Franklin.

Be on the lookout for "Franklin's Pumpkin" which will be out next fall, it's an instalklment in the early readers series (younger children). I am the illustrator, and there will be another artist for the linear art and a thrid artist for the colors, which is done in watercolour paints, not computers (yet). I have also been offered to digitally render (colour) the series in the future when they get the digital aspect of it underway.

anyhow grant, thanks for the feedback my friend !!!

Cal Que Later

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:laugh: My niece and nephew love that show, whenever I visit them it is a given that I will have to sit through at least one the shows.


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Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Paulette Bourgeois originally "create" Franklin and Brenda Clark illustrate him? Paulette was the original writer, no? Anyway, kudos to you if you are actually illustrating characters rather than just inking or animating them. Not that those aren't important or creative also, but they always seemed to be the more tedious and laborious functions left to the talented grunts.

But what do I know?

jerry grant


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Stingray said:
Where the hell do you get your info from Bob?

Stingray, so are u saying that Bob is wrong and that the hardened sebum is related to smthg else? if yes, is it just caused by oiliness. Could this oiliness contribute to hairloss since i heard it suffocates the hair follicle.


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That hard crap at the bottom of the follicle is completely normal. It's just the unformed hair when the follicle went into telogen phase and stopped production. Telogen is the term given to a follicle in resting phase. The thing you need to look for is thinning hairs. A hair shaft should be the same diameter from tip to near the root...where it should slightly taper off and end in a "club". The club is completely normal.

Bob Booley

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You're right, Grant- Brenda was only the illustrator- , they were probably a team or something... all I know is that Brenda Clark used to illustrate her drawings at the Kids Can Press studio, down at St.Clair and Yonge Street in downtown Toronto.. I know this because the nice young lady who interviewed me said that she used to watch Brenda draw her stories down there and allow othe employees to watch. She then retired, opening up a few spots for other illustrators to come in and pick up where she left off. Soon as she retired, though, Kids Can Press allowed for a slightly different style to take effect, which was an animation- based style, similar to the sort of artwork that came from students fresh out of animation schools, such as Sheridan College just outside of Toronto, Ontario (where I graduated from).

I am one of the lucky ones who have been chosen to illustrate for the Franklin series, and couldn't be more excited. I am working on my first book- it's a lot of work, and is not done yet. "Franklin's Pumpkin" will be on the shelves next year and my name will be in inside the book in the credits-- (look for 'Bob Booley'-- lolol, no, that isn't my REAL name, obviously...)...

anyhow grant, that's what i'm up to, and if you'd like a signed copy of the book when it comes out next autumn, just let me know, ok ?


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Hey Bob!

Where do you live? I'm in Mississauga. Are there any job openings for computer programmers at your company?


Bob Booley

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No, I don't think there are any openings for that sort of a position. I contract my work to them, so I work from home or wherever I want. I don't have a whole lot of knowledge as to what goes on in the actual studio, but from what I saw down there, most of the employees seemed to be editors, writers, and maybe some accountants and stuff. It's mostly a creative/artsy sort of environment- you should be looking at Rogers or Bell or something like that, shouldn't you?


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Can I have your autograph?

I want to keep it so that when you finally do go crazy and slaughter all the people at the McD's you work at, I can sell it for some cash.

Keep up the laughs. :)


Bob Booley

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i love when people don't believe it when i tell them what i do for a living
(not full-time living yet but with time..)

all through college, people outside of school were always doubting what i was doing, i remember a guy at my old part-time student job who was always poking jabs at me, saying, there's no living in cartooning- just stay in this warehouse, you'll make more money... blah blah...

took me a few years to find this gig, and sure enough, it haqppens to be this HUGE gig now, working for the largest traditional animation company in canada...

lol, i can't wait to show these guys my first book with my name on the inside cover in the credits section for "illustration done by:"

you too drinkrum, i'll cough a copy up for you too! WITH my name in it!!

hehehehe doubters, you shall all be proven WRONG!!!!!