You're right, Grant- Brenda was only the illustrator- , they were probably a team or something... all I know is that Brenda Clark used to illustrate her drawings at the Kids Can Press studio, down at St.Clair and Yonge Street in downtown Toronto.. I know this because the nice young lady who interviewed me said that she used to watch Brenda draw her stories down there and allow othe employees to watch. She then retired, opening up a few spots for other illustrators to come in and pick up where she left off. Soon as she retired, though, Kids Can Press allowed for a slightly different style to take effect, which was an animation- based style, similar to the sort of artwork that came from students fresh out of animation schools, such as Sheridan College just outside of Toronto, Ontario (where I graduated from).
I am one of the lucky ones who have been chosen to illustrate for the Franklin series, and couldn't be more excited. I am working on my first book- it's a lot of work, and is not done yet. "Franklin's Pumpkin" will be on the shelves next year and my name will be in inside the book in the credits-- (look for 'Bob Booley'-- lolol, no, that isn't my REAL name, obviously...)...
anyhow grant, that's what i'm up to, and if you'd like a signed copy of the book when it comes out next autumn, just let me know, ok ?