Sex drive down the pan



Over the last two weeks I have noticed a big drop in Sex drive. I have been on Proscar for six months and this is the first time that I have noticed it. I still get turned on but I just can't be arsed like I used to. Hope it picks up quite soon otherwise my girl will need to get the Warrior out.


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Hey Traxdata,

For me its been a up and down battle also. In the begining the sex drive was up and down but as I passed month 6 things have become very stable. It hasnt been what it was, but its almost back to normal. Even my skin seems to have gone through a major up and down and now has settled down. Just keep taking Proscar and hopefully things will get back to normal for you.

Take Care,


I will continue taking it as I'm sure it will come back. Maybe it's because I'm a bit tired as well. Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's that or the finasteride but I will find out soon enough I guess.



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Good luck main!

Hope all works out for you...

Over and OUT!
Tony Montana


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I didn't think it was that big of a deal till i stopped taking finasteride. Wow talk about random boners.

I guess i chose boners over hair :x

too bald too furious

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hey traxdata,
You have made a real good improvement. I have checked out your pictures and finasteride is working wonders for you.
The side effects may not necessarily be frm are filling your gf's mouth a lot these days with your satanic juices....may be your little brother needs a break... :lol:


nexus81 said:
hey traxdata,
You have made a real good improvement. I have checked out your pictures and finasteride is working wonders for you.
The side effects may not necessarily be frm are filling your gf's mouth a lot these days with your satanic juices....may be your little brother needs a break... :lol:

lol, yeah... that's still happeneing. The satanic part that is. I have noticed that my hairline has took a bit of a dip recently on the temples so not sure if thats just a shed and that it will grow back.

But I think the finasteride has worked ok up until now. Maybe in the future I can get the temples filled in with a small procedure..