Sex + hair = hairloss?


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I been reading and heard about a lot of sex or the lack of sex can cause hair loss. I read a couple of website that said that over enjectabltion can increase chances or progress the hair loss. I also heard that lack of sex can isncrease chances or progress the hair loss but the doctor said it was a old wise tell. I saw it in a video online.

I'm a guy can do get some action and want to know if I do it often will hair loss will process or it's all wise tell?


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Even if that wasnt a load of heaping bullshit,i would still continue to have sex with unwilling women.

This myth is right up there with the golden shower!


blue said:

Even if that wasnt a load of heaping bullshit,i would still continue to have sex with unwilling women.

This myth is right up there with the golden shower!

you mean the Golden Shower doesn't work :freaked2: !!!!!

too bald too furious

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The more u f***....the more testosterone is produced...and consequently the more DHT in body. Its crystal clear...unless u r not taking any DHT is contributing in your hair loss. U can cut your balls off, then no probs... :D


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Nexus i dont know if you know this but testosterone is made by are balls.....when we think of sex more test is doesnt matter if we are having matters if we are thinking about having sex.......this is a by those facts your telling me that if i think about sex hard enough and long will help hairloss?gimme a break.


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If you have hairloss due to masturbation...maybe you should put your hand higher on your shaft. :D


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Here we go again. This subject has been brought up thousands of times and still there is no evidence that proves sex=hairloss.
Just because some shmuck wrote an article doesn't mean he's correct either. He has no scientific evidence backing his claim what-so-ever. It amazes me sometimes how much people think just because there's an printed article on something it automatically becomes fact. This time the article is online written by somebody on staff at that website. Read his other articles, the few that I read all suck and are based on opinion and not fact.
Oh yea did you hear masterbation can make you go blind and grow hair on your palms too.
Truely rediculous. :lol:


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BadHairDecade said:
Here we go again. This subject has been brought up thousands of times and still there is no evidence that proves sex=hairloss.
Just because some shmuck wrote an article doesn't mean he's correct either. He has no scientific evidence backing his claim what-so-ever. It amazes me sometimes how much people think just because there's an printed article on something it automatically becomes fact. This time the article is online written by somebody on staff at that website. Read his other articles, the few that I read all suck and are based on opinion and not fact.
Oh yea did you hear masterbation can make you go blind and grow hair on your palms too.
Truely rediculous. :lol:

come on it has some logic, during sex hormones go wild :p and i bet that deamonic enzyme 5-ar is always working and if T levels go up... well u know the rest


We need a double blind placebo test to really know, but where the hell am I going to find some guys who will beat themselves off 6 times a day for 3 months?


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:D or even worse, getting 6 guys to have absolutely no sex for 3 months :freaked2:


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Well we all know that ya can't get no sex if you're bald...,

but if you Could get sex - that will make you bald.

So if your a guy that still has hair, don't have sex, and if you're trying to grow hair, I'm sorry, no sex for you.

You must put the gun to your head now, and slowly pull the trigger.


MidnightFlyer said:
Well we all know that ya can't get no sex if you're bald...,

but if you Could get sex - that will make you bald.

So if your a guy that still has hair, don't have sex, and if you're trying to grow hair, I'm sorry, no sex for you.

You must put the gun to your head now, and slowly pull the trigger.

Not quite right, those with a full head of hair have follicles that are not genetically predisposed to atrophy when exposed to DHT, so they can beat themselves off all day and screw like rabbits and not loose a hair.


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i know its been raised time and time again. but that feeling you get when you ejaculate is caused due to sudden release of hormones of hormones and endorphins in the body, right? so surely ejaculating can produce more test and therefore more dht? i know its been brought up before, but its not just like the hairy palms thing, there is kinda some reasoning behind this. i know noones going to give up sex etc, but those who tame the snake a bit too often, maybe could cut down if it meant better hair. i still havent heard a very convincing argument against a link between ejaculation and hairloss. although its not been proven..doesnt it make some kind of logical sense?


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youngguy_uk said:
ii still havent heard a very convincing argument against a link between ejaculation and hairloss.

The problem is there's nothing but speculation linking the two as well. The question is does it effect hormones enough to cause hairloss.
There are so many things that you do throughout the day that affect hormone levels but not enough to make your hair fall out. There's a reason why there isn't one valid article linking the two....becuase it's just not true.



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This thread got me thinking:



Now I know why they called Hubert Humphrey: "The Hump."


BadHairDecade said:
There's a reason why there isn't one valid article linking the two....because it's just not true.


I think there is no article linking the hormonal changes in the post orgasmic male endocrine system and hair loss because nobody has done one, if it where a knowable case of 'it's just not true' then there would be a study showing that a causal link between duvet olympics and hair loss had been studied and dissproved.