Sex help...


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I'm 26 and have been having problems with impotance for about 4 years now. I was using propecia for a good two years and slowly weened off it for about a year because it wasn't working for me. I experience pretty bad sexual side effects and haven't seemed to be able to get over it.

I'm not trying to bash proppecia here, i'm only looking for advice on getting back to normal... sexually. I feel bad for my girlfriend as i spend a lot of time making up excuses why i'm not in the "mood". I just have a few questions open to help.

1. Do you think more sex/masturbation will in turn want you to want more sex?

2. Has anyone had an experience with viagara?


Senior Member
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I recommend you talk to your GP, tell them what you've told us and they should be able to help you some.

If you've already done this and it wasn't helpful, go back to them and ask them to refer you to a doctor who specialises in sexual health


Established Member
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Have you did any blood tests? Are your hormones ok? Erectile dysfunction can be psychological. After you and your girl making out, can you get an erection? If you do it can be "performance" anxiety it happens to me sometimes if i want so much to please my gf! :oops: :p

Most of my friends experience this also. Talk to a doctor before taking v****.


Experienced Member
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hey guys, i'm getting some blood work tomorrow. Does anyone know about atrophy though? how long it would take to suffer atrophy and if it's reversible?


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Penile/testicular atrophy likely involves, thanks to Finasteride:

- prostate shrinkage + tissue/nerve cell death via aptosis due to lack of DHT (penile shrinkage is common after radical prostatectomy)

- upregulation of TGF-B1 + lack of DHT which promotes increased tissue fibrosis/collegenase deposits in the corpus cavernosum (penis)

- lack of nitric oxide (DHT mediates NO) for proper erections/bloodflow to maintain fresh oxygenated blood supply, to maintain smooth muscle fibers in the penis/prevent fibrosis

I'd get the hell off finasteride if you are experiencing shrinkage. I got it after taking it and it has yet to reverse, 20 months off. When you deprive your dick of androgens, fibrosis can occur.


Experienced Member
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yeah i've been of it for about 2 years now. things are better but not where they used to be. Do you know if this is reversible? Possibly through achieving erections you can re-introduce proper nourishment.