Sex is over rated.


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Just lost my virginity recently. It was not fun at all. Attractive woman, but I did not feel anything. The condom followed me back and forth and so I did not feel any rubbing. I doubt a thinner condom would have made a difference. Maybe a loose headed condom would have felt OK. Unless you trust a woman enough to have sex without a condom, and are sure she won't get pregnant, I really don't see any point in having sex, except to make her feel good.

All my beliefs about men enjoying sex more than women have just been shattered. It is also very obvious she has way more fun being gone down on than I do being gone down on. So why is it again that some men pay for sex? I certainly will be going dutch from now on. If a woman thinks she is just that good, then that's probably the reason she is single. I think a lot of guys pay because they hope for something, not because they ever get it and want more.

But masturbation is not over rated. I've had way more fun doing that than I've ever had with any pretty woman. With my imagination, I can do what I want. With a pretty woman, she wants the lights off or some other way to kill any fun. Women could be fun, but typically are not. Most of the excitement we feel around them is just hope, not actual experience.

Looks like I might be able to get my helicopter pilot insured. I'm looking forward to charging ahead on that.


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And don't feel self conscious if you have a small dick. If you are small enough that she won't feel anything, then most likely you won't feel anything either. Why would you work so hard to win someone over if they can't make you feel anything? Let her prove herself once before you start getting to excited.

A huge mistake I and many other guys make is we fall in love with what we hope for. We hope she has stuff in common with us. We hope she has character. We hope we will get sex daily. We hope the sex will be a certain way. And we fall in love with that hope, and bow down to her so she will stay with us. How about first seeing how it really is, and then asking how much you'd like it if that was how it would always be, and then deciding from there how much you want to pursue it?


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But women are just as guilty of the above.

When two people flirt, they both are excited by the other smiling because they think they are going to get something good in exchange for their lousy performance. The break up follows when one of them finally realizes they will not get what they hoped for. And the cycle repeats.


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Have you ever tried it with another man?


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Sex is anything but overrated but I agree some people do obsess over it too much.

You probably didn't use the condom right. It takes practice to put one on properly.


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It's a bit like someone driving a clunking second-hand cadillac over a pot-holed country road and saying "Man, driving sucks!"

Nashville Hairline

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If you didn't enjoy it you probably aren't doing it right, as someone once said.

The Gardener

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CCS said:
The condom followed me back and forth and so I did not feel any rubbing. I doubt a thinner condom would have made a difference.
Totally agree. Condoms suck. The first time I graduated to having a girlfriend who was willing to go on the pill, I think I got spoiled. That relationship ended, and most every time after that, it was VERY hard for me to finish with a condom on.

I really don't see any point in having sex, except to make her feel good. Not a one nighter either, though I'm tempted to end this. Only reason I might stick around is for more experience, but 5 hours of boredom in a bedroom seems like a waste of time to me, experience or not.
Well, there IS a lot of enjoyment to be had out of the intimacy, the visuals, the sensations you get besides phallic penetration when you are with a woman. So, I agree with you to some extent... but probably for different reasons. I have a good bit of experience being intimate with women, and with that I have come to appreciate such experiences for far more than just the pump and dump aspects of it. There is a sensual element to it, and there is an entire body besides the gonads that are full of nerve endings and all kinds of ways to pleasure and be pleasured. In my more advanced age, I've come to appreciate foreplay a lot more in and of itself, and after foreplay I find the physical act of sex to be FAR more enjoyable.

But masturbation is not over rated. I've had way more fun doing that than I've ever had with any pretty woman. With my imagination, I can do what I want.
Totally agree. I had Halle Berry last night.


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CCS said:
Just lost my virginity recently.

Ah if only HairWeGoAgain was still with us.

somone uk

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sounds like someone needs this :whistle: :whistle:
though surely the picture of the author on the cover just puts you off sex all together :p


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Well it was your first time, it takes practice, i recall when first ejaculated (consciously) i felt disgusted, and was thinking "this the last time i play with that thing! ever!" but just a week later i couldn't take my hands off my new toy, and same has happened with girls, first experience wasn't good AT ALL! lol neither the second, but after i found the right partner i couldn't get enough of her, give it more time - enjoyment guaranteed!!! ;)

(i didn't understand the the comparison between going out with your friends Vs. with your girl... its a whole other thing, and going out, having fun with your girl, sharing experiences together is priceless to me, looking back on times you shared with your love one has no money tag on... you are missing the point my friend, and just to make it clear, i do think that its the guys job to pay, and show dominance even if he earns less... its just nature behavior.)


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[quote:1izxn4us]I really don't see any point in having sex, except to make her feel good.
Well, there IS a lot of enjoyment to be had out of the intimacy, the visuals, the sensations you get besides phallic penetration when you are with a woman. So, I agree with you to some extent... but probably for different reasons. I have a good bit of experience being intimate with women, and with that I have come to appreciate such experiences for far more than just the pump and dump aspects of it. There is a sensual element to it, and there is an entire body besides the gonads that are full of nerve endings and all kinds of ways to pleasure and be pleasured. In my more advanced age, I've come to appreciate foreplay a lot more in and of itself, and after foreplay I find the physical act of sex to be FAR more enjoyable.

I agree. I'm just saying it is a huge myth than men enjoy sex more than women, at least with a condom on. I do like the intimacy part, though that came completely from everything else, since I did not feel anything down there. And the reason I considered ending it had nothing to do with this; it was some other miscommunication.


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Cassin said:
You probably didn't use the condom right. It takes practice to put one on properly.

Do elaborate. Is the correct way to leave slack and a few wrinkles in the head so it can rub?


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CCS said:
[quote:2d2knxo9]I really don't see any point in having sex, except to make her feel good.
Well, there IS a lot of enjoyment to be had out of the intimacy, the visuals, the sensations you get besides phallic penetration when you are with a woman. So, I agree with you to some extent... but probably for different reasons. I have a good bit of experience being intimate with women, and with that I have come to appreciate such experiences for far more than just the pump and dump aspects of it. There is a sensual element to it, and there is an entire body besides the gonads that are full of nerve endings and all kinds of ways to pleasure and be pleasured. In my more advanced age, I've come to appreciate foreplay a lot more in and of itself, and after foreplay I find the physical act of sex to be FAR more enjoyable.

I agree. I'm just saying it is a huge myth than men enjoy sex more than women, at least with a condom on. I do like the intimacy part, though that came completely from everything else, since I did not feel anything down there. And the reason I considered ending it had nothing to do with this; it was some other miscommunication.[/quote:2d2knxo9]

Who ever said that men enjoyed sex more than women? The female orgasm has always been classes as better than the male (though it's hard to know for sure, for obvious reasons).


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so you finally did it and you dont think you owe us, at least, some more details? how, where? who's the lucky one? is it really a girl, how does she ccs rates? even if you didnt use any of the advice given here, you have to consider the good intentions