sexual health advice


New Member
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hey there

i started taking propecia a month ago and, as predicted, my sex drive has been significantly lowered. i understand that it can fluctuate for a while before hopefully settling back to normal, but in the interim i'd like to take some proactive steps (i like treating my girlfriend of 3 years w/ respect...).

now, i have never had the highest sex drive, though it's suited me fine. i'm not sure if this effects how much or how little propecia would alter my libido, and i doubt there have been studies on the subject.

i have taken l-arginine a few times in the last two weeks but i haven't honestly noticed much of a change with that. i'm not sure if it needs a few days to build up in your system. i have heard that your body adjusts to it fairly quickly anyway...

what other supplements and medications have you all taken to alleviate the low libido side effects of propecia?

any and all advice will be greatly appreciated, thanks.


Senior Member
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Saw palmetto does the trick for me. After a few days the Little General is saluting and prepared for manoeuvres.


New Member
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thanks for the reply.
doing a little searching doesn't turn up much but "doctors" selling saw palmetto for "sex! sex!"
i wish there were more trustworthy resources for herbs!

do you have any experience with these 10-herbs-in-one male libido pills?

any other suggestions?
