Sexual side effects


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Hi Everyone!

I've been using propecia for three months but four days ago I switched to a generic proscar pill (which I cut up in fourths). Now I'm worried that this product actually isn't real because I've been experiencing sexual side effects while using propecia and now they have almost subsided after a few days on the new pill. The side effects weren't terrible before, but definately noticeable.
It might of course be because it's spring here and there are so many foxy chics without much clothes everywhere right now.

Any imput on this from the ones who did experience sexual side effects? Is it common for it to vary a lot. I've read that it's common to have an increased drive in the beginning which I did experience too.

The generic I'm using is called Daric and is manufactured by a company called Phoenix in Argentina.

Thankful for replies,


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eeks.. i really can't promise anything bout the generic proscar.. i mean I'd pay the extra money just for some "real" proscar so I dont have those second thoughts that you are having.. its worth the $$ To be honest its really not that much considering we are cutting the proscar in 5ths.. 100 bucks'll last ya a while. As for sexual side effects same here first month sex was the same maybe even hornier not sure, but middle of march came around which was my 1 1/2 month since starting finasteride, my sex drive just died I really thought that was the end of good sex for the rest of my life.. and then about a month later around the end of april it slowly came back.. Now i'm good as before horny as hell, I have a feeling this wont last long.. I've heard from lots of ppl that their sex drive is like a roller coaster after starting on finasteride..everyone's diff so everyone experience the side effects at differen't times.. and I honestly think that the 2% side effects that merck reported is just full of sh*t.. I'd say its a good 80% that experience it. Correct me if anyone think otherwise.


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Thanks for posting,

I believe you are right about the percentage of people having sexual side effects. I read about it on other forums before I started using finasteride, and sure enough I got them as well.
I'm glad you are saying that it can vary because when I think about it the side effects might have started to disappear even before I switched to the generic stuff. But I get extra paranoid because I'm switching pills.
But it's very good timing for it to subside right now, so I'm trying to stay optimistic until I find out that I've gone bald from using the wrong pill. But I might take your advice and buy the regular stuff next time to avoid some paranoia.

Anyone else have similar experiences?