sexual side effects


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ok so been using finasteride for 2 months now.

i noticed how i still horny as usual... and i do jerk off at least 3-4 times a day.. that never stopped but ive noticed that sometimes its harder to get an erection, especially last night when i was drunk...

now is this gonna get worse??? or better??? or same?? is this an indication that i should stop? im thinking of lowering my dosage.


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You should stop treatment immediately if you lose your morning erections and get symptoms of erectile dysfunction. DO NOT continue the treatment despite of side effects like Merck recommends. It's dangerous.


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Ohmygod....classic case of trying to attribute anything potentially wrong with you with finasteride. There's a reason for the term "Whiskey Dick" means that you can't get it up with you're drunk.

This past Saturday I was playing poker with a bunch of friends and girlfriends/wives. One of the girls got all horny and took her boyfriend back to the room for a quicky. However, he had already drank several beers and a few shots. 5 minutes later she came out of the bedroom all pissed off because he couldn't get it up.

The guy isn't on finasteride, he was just drunk and had a hard time getting hard.


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I read that part as well...but I don't know that a 2 week sample size of "sometimes I think it might be harder" is really that much evidence. We're all men, so we all know that not every erection is the same. Sometimes my boner is like "RAWR!!! Time to DESTROY your wife!!!" and sometimes it's like "*Yawn* I guess let's do this" :innocent:

Now, if it took MUCH more stimulation to get hard, then I could see the problem. However, I assume that he would have mentioned that it took a lot more if that truly was the case.


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Well, I never had a problem with my erections before I began using Propecia. The only exception was when I had an orgasm, and wanted more. It would be a little bit softer, and it would take a little longer to finish.


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guy83 said:
[...] but ive noticed that sometimes its harder to get an erection, especially last night when i was drunk... [...]

A little bit of alcohol may be helpful but in large quantities it is an erection killer.

It is true, however, that finasteride may have sexual side effects - incl ED.


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Seems like I made the right decision not to go on finasteride. Are there any "long-term" side effects if it is used for, like 1-2 years?


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Been on it for almost 4 years myself. No complains so far. However, I'm pretty sure that sometimes my wife wishes that I had some sides from finasteride....if you catch my drift *wink wink nudge nudge*

:woot: :woot:

Rocky V

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bro if you whack it 3 to 4 TIMES A DAY. then you shouldn't be complaining about a weaker erection.

it doesn't matter how old you are, that's gonna take a toll on your body and cause some hormonal imbalances often time leading to more sides from over masturbation which include:

memory issues
thinning hair
lack of concentration
faster heartbeats
general debility
testicular pain
premature ejaculation
pelvic pain
softer/weaker erection
lower back pain
and more...

according to ayurveda (Indian) and Chinese medicine, masturbating over one or two TIMES A WEEK is over mastubation.

the younger you are, the less you'd feel the symptoms but as you age, even in early twenties people start feeling the effects

I suggest you take zinc 50mg to neutralize your symptoms