Sexual sides


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Hi, just wondering at what point did people start experiencing sexual sides from takeing finasteride... Immediatly? Weeks? Months?


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haunted-ballroom said:
Hi, just wondering at what point did people start experiencing sexual sides from takeing finasteride... Immediatly? Weeks? Months?

The day after I noticed a slight drop in libido. Nothing enough to give me ED. In fact, I kinda wish it would have lowered my libido even more so I could concentrate on other issues in life.

I could see, however, someone who is on the brink of limp-dick having this drug as the straw that broke the camel's back.


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haunted-ballroom said:
Cassin said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
I did point out that she does have a trade off: she will have a shorter life, with problems, but can date who she wants, whereas I'm in great health, but am still a virgin


I fixed wow signature for him.

Sorry to derail your thread.

Anyway, I think most people that read forums have a placebo type problem right away since that are "expecting sides."


Well, to me sexual sides appeared the day after I started finasteride. Maybe it was all in my head? I don´t know, but it is a fact that I have lost my sex drive completely by now. At the moment I am trying to counter this condition, let´s hope I am successful.


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I began experiencing mild sexual sides roughly 1 month into my regimen (loss of libido/ watery semen/ dull ache in testicles), I was actually looking forward to them as I wanted to concentrate on more productive things than pussy, for a 10 day period the sides were a little stronger but they seem to have pretty much gone now apart from my semen still being like water.


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Mine started within 2 weeks of starting finasteride, but at about 3 months, things are back to normal so far, maybe even better.

Far Too Young

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I'm 2.5 weeks in, but I can say that I've had no problems. Even popped some nice morning glory today. But I would echo some of the other posters in that I feel as if I may have had a slight reduction in sex drive. But for me, that could have only been a positive thing.


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I read a guys story saying he experienced problems over a year after starting the drug and is still having problems 3 months after treatment.
What really pisses me off is the doctors response! Goes to show how much they really know about this stuff. Also, when ive contacted various doctors etc, they all quote the same crap off the propecia website. ... %20effects

I may come off finasteride, ill make my descision after a month on the treatment. Not waiting for the sides but just continueing to search for info. If docs cant say for definite that permanent or long term problems are not from the drug, then im afraid I cant take the risk. Ive been worrying far too much lately which no doubt is giving me a placebo effect but im not too worried about that as its easy enough to overcome. But physical reasons for ED are not.


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Most doctors went to med school about twenty years ago and the only info they have on a drug like propecia is what comes from the info they get when the Merck rep comes to drop off free samples once a month. Its not a conspiracy or anything - just a natural consequence of human laziness and the fact that a GP has to stay generally informed about many things. They don't spend days on websites listening to patients talk about sides or searching pubmed for case reports of finasteride induced depression for instance.
I am beginning to think (like some others) that finasteride can cause derangement of the hypothalamic-pituitary gonadal axis in some vulnerable people. This can be a slow process where the body maladjusts to the changes induced by finasteride into an effectively hypoandrogenic state. Hence the discrepancy in fins eleimination from the body and the length of sides reported by some. I came off finasteride back in August of last year and was surprised how long it took for things to begin to improve sexually. Chest looked a lot lesss puffy and abs came back in long before things showed any real change down below. But gradually things did get better until by the end of month 2 there was undeniable improvement sexually and undeniable deterioration follicularly. At this point of time I kind of freaked out and have sporadically been on and off a bunch of treatments ever since including finasteride, depending on how important I feel sexual functioning/hair/peace of mind to be at the time.
My advice is not to freak yet. If you get sides that don't go away after a few months or you begin to notice a gradual increase after the initial settling in period this may be a sign that the HPTA is going off kilter. And I stress the word may in that last sentence. Its just a suspicion at the moment but it does look to me like this can happen in some folk.


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Someone here who´s taking finasteride and try to have children? I´m daily thinking of that, can I make normal children in the future by taking finasteride? That´s the reason why I don´t have started with finasteride yet.


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okami said:
Someone here who´s taking finasteride and try to have children? I´m daily thinking of that, can I make normal children in the future by taking finasteride? That´s the reason why I don´t have started with finasteride yet.

I sure hope so! No doctor mentioned anything like this to me...
God!! Its funny, this drug has the least listed side effects of any drug ive ever taken, but some of the side effects people report are far more nasty than all the side effects of all drugs ive ever taken put together!!!
Ive emailed one simple question to various people including Merck, "can propecia cause long term or perminent impotence?" and all I get is the usual bullsh1t avoiding answering the question directly!


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I've been on Propecia since 2002, and have fathered two boys in that time.