Shaft pictures


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Guys, woke up this morning with a really really, weird hair on the pillow. Decided to take a pic, anyone ever seen this before?
I usually get either very weak or very strong terminals on the pillow and occasionally (5% of the time) tapered terminals.

But what the hell is this?! It's got a strong body and suddenly a 1cm section of shrinkage near the bulb. The sticky thread above mentions a shrink in the cantagen phase, but why only one hair looking like this of the thousands I've lost?!

This link's a bigger pic than what's below.



Note that this freak hair is not a healthy cylindrical terminal, it's a flat pubic hair type that I have scattered all over my head, I'm a diffuser in a norwood10 pattern. They occasionally drop like a healthy terminal, but this one is the first that I've seen shrink at the bulb.



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Hey man,

I have the same thing. I think the tapered ends are a sign of aggressive male pattern baldness. It means the hair shaft is miniturizing severly during one growth cycle, therby inhibiting growth of the follicle. I am betting you are young and have aggressive male pattern baldness just like me. Just try to get it out of your mind and hope the meds work.

Good luck.


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To me, this is just normal. All the hair i am loosing are all thinner at the root. Make sence since the hair is disconnected from where it use to get feed from... so it is dying after a period of time and then it falls.

Just normal my friend.


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My hair has definitely improved. Not so sure about my hairline, but i see lots of new hair at my hairline. The top is definitaly thicker though. Cannot see scalp once the hair is dry like i use to.

For an example, if you have a female living with you, take a look at the hair that are left on her hair brush.... take a close look at them. They are looking like yours, no difference. When a hair is disconnected from the scalp, it is slowly dying/staving of nutriment. It will become less colored and get thiner.

So i would say, dont worry.