Shall I ditch MINOMUCK or not?


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I've been adding Minomuck to my Kirkland Min for about 4 months and it seems to have done nothing except acelerate my hair loss. Has anyone else seen good results with this product? I ditched the foam after it ate my hair line, I'm now worried this stuff is doing the same. I really hate this hair loss crap. Nothing is set in stone and nothing seems to really work for me.

I've also got my reservations about finasteride, I've been on that over a year and that hasn't done anything at all to stablize my hair loss. It does help to get me up in the middle of the night for a piss though...


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You can't make a decision on anything after 4 months.

Stick w/ your regimen for at least 8 months before revamping.

finasteride helped me once - then I stoped using - and now the 2nd time around doesn't seem as effective.

Minomuck has defintely helped me (a little).


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Cassin said:
what is minomuck?

A guy named Joe on Regrowth mixed up a batch of Beta Sitosterol and other natural ingredients and you mix it with your minoxidil. It is suppossed to duplicate the Scalp Med ingredients. Check Ginger-UK's link above.


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Cassin said:

Cassin Cassin...

@hair_tomorrow: Well, i don't think it takes 8 months to evaluate if a product works for you or not. Especially when using minoxidil-treatments. All that could take so long to work is propecia, IMHO.


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amsch said:
Cassin said:

Cassin Cassin...

@hair_tomorrow: Well, i don't think it takes 8 months to evaluate if a product works for you or not. Especially when using minoxidil-treatments. All that could take so long to work is propecia, IMHO.


I am just not a believer in modding treatments....


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amsch said:
Cassin said:

Cassin Cassin...

@hair_tomorrow: Well, i don't think it takes 8 months to evaluate if a product works for you or not. Especially when using minoxidil-treatments. All that could take so long to work is propecia, IMHO.

Well, everyone's different. You're right about Propecia in that I saw definite visible improvement @ the 8 month mark. It took maybe 6 months + before I saw improvement w/ minomuck. So let's say 6 - 8 months?


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My heads been itchy and sore of late. Last time it did that I was using Rivivogen shampoo and my hair was falling out like nothing else. It seems I am having a crazy shed again. I have no idea what is causing that or the irritation? Maybe the AA?


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I was on rev therapy serum for about a year - and my scalp peeled at least once every week. I blamed that on the AA. But then I used AA in my minoxidil for about a year - but didn't have the same reaction.

So - could be "something" in the rev.


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Do you use AA? Do you think its worth it? I mean its been dropped from all the minoxidil products and you can only get it as flakes so maybe its not that important after all?


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No - I don't use AA anymore. There are studies out there that support AA and hair growth - and there's at least 1 user out there who says he has good results w/ Dr. Lee's 5% xandrox. But other than that - I haven't heard too many positive testimonials.

You'll hear a lot of "it should be beneficial" - but it's certainly no miracle cure.

Between Rev (1 year) and adding AA to my 5% minoxidil (1 year) - I can't say it did anything for me.

I still have a big bag of flakes at home.

As always though - everyone's different - and what works for some may not necessarily work for others.


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So true and so annoying. I'm getting to the point where I believe nothing I do will stop me from going to NW6 eventually.


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Hi all,

I received my Hair Muck from Joe and added 10mls a new bottle of Xandrox 5%. DOes this mean that because I added 10mls that I'm getting half of the 5 % on a 1ML usage?

Any results on using hair muck? I can't really find it here as ppl who posted are relatively new to this product.



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No mate that sounds like you have the correct amount/concentration!?

I've not been on the stuff long enough yet, but its certainly not got any better.


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Mpresev said:
Hi all,

I received my Hair Muck from Joe and added 10mls a new bottle of Xandrox 5%. DOes this mean that because I added 10mls that I'm getting half of the 5 % on a 1ML usage?

Any results on using hair muck? I can't really find it here as ppl who posted are relatively new to this product.


I use Dr. Lee's regular 5% minoxidil which comes in a 65ml bottle. Before I add my 10ml of minomuck, I remove 15 ml of the minoxidil.

According to Joe's instructions, you're supposed to remove some minoxidil (10 ml per a 60ml bottle) before adding the 10 ml of minomuck.

I've only been using 1x daily w/ my morning minoxidil application since last spring - but I think it's helped. For the last month or so I've added an evening application of SuperZixII which also contains minomuck - so now I'm getting a twice daily dose. Too soon to say if that'll help - but I'm hoping for the best.

Private Ryan

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mixing minoxidil with minomuck something form brown small little chunks of stuff floating in the minoxidil. i ask joe and he said it is normal. does anyone with this experience?


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I don't get chunks.

Remember that you're supposed to refrigerate the muck, leave it out (unrefigerated) for 2 hours before mixing it in w/ anything, and then "shake the hell out of it" before adding it to anything (I believe that's an exact quote from Joe).

I also shake up my minoxidil w/ muck and my supersixII before using.