Shall I start finasteride or should I save up for a transplant


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Hey everyone. I'm one of those whose literally obsessed by their disappearing hairline. I just wondered what the best option would be - to get on finasteride, and potentially start off some scary side effects... or save up for a transplant. £6000 is a way off yet but I'm determined to keep my hair. They do say it's not best to get a transplant early as it may continue to recede, but others say its good to start early while you've got more follicles to play with? Please help



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We don't know your age. If you are under like 35, or if your hair loss came on suddenly and quickly, hair transplants without finasteride are a terrible idea, because you will continue to lose behind the transplanted area and will look very strange.

finasteride is a good idea at the early stages of hairloss. If you are sure you have male pattern baldness I would definitely start a finasteride-only routine


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It doesn't look bad. Jump on finasteride and minoxidil now and you will hopefully never need a hair transplant.