Shall we just ignore him?


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I think we all feel the same way about HPM. I've certainly wasted far too much time replying to his nonsense.

I think we've all proved without a shadow of a doubt that none of us envy him or think that he is living the dream.
But no matter how many times we destroy his ridiculous arguements he keeps coming back with pathetic statements to try and bait us, just like a toddler throwing a tantrum to get attention.

Clearly he will always refuse to see the common sense that we all see, just as we all know that he's never going to achieve his goal of getting a woman to join in his meaningless sad lifestyle.

Since he has nothing worthwhile to add shall we all just make the desicion to ignore his posts and then maybe he'll just go away?


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women call me "royalty":)


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set for life



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a twat who is richer/better than you.

see the thing is you put me down for being rich, then i feel the need to mention im better than you.

but all i said is i was rich, its who i am then you brougth the hate to me, so i retalite.

how any hours you work a week mate?

whats the income?

let me guess

32 hours

10K a year


Bald Dave

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HPM just because you're rich doesn't make you better than anyone. Also I strongly believe that money doesn't bring you happiness as i know loads of people who are rich and they are as misrable as sin. Id rather be poor and have a happy life than rich and miserable anyday. Also don't it piss you off that women are only interested in you because you're rich? In other words all your girlfriends are gold diggers and wouldn't touch you with a barge pole if you was poor :hump:


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HPM i used to think you were alright, but seriously, shut the f*** up. money isn't happiness. Also, your showing your true colours by saying to someone "i'm better than you" what a complete and utter arsehole thing to say man...


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it's just monty tbh.

f you trace through my posts you'll realise that i just mentioend i came from a wealthy background, then people liek monty had a big go at me for it, so i had to get back at him and say or act like im better than him since he was putting me down alot for being born rich which is not my fault i have this life, just like a short man gettign angry at a tall man etc.


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I'll tell you how it happend. :hump:
HPM started making posts about how rich he was and no nobody was jealous, nobody said anything. He never mentioned anything about the house or money belonging to his parents. He let everyone believe that it was all his achievement.

I started to wonder how someone who is obviously an illiterate idiot could become rich. Then it struck me that he must still be living with his parents. So in a post I innocently asked if he still lived with them.

At this point he had to confess he did and he had no job and then his reputation on here was destroyed. It was at this point he got on the defensive and started calling people peasants and claiming we were just jealous of his lifestyle.

And thats how it started .....


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hpm definitely made a big mistake revealing details of his lifestyle. he should've known better.


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He's not that smart :hump:


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This thread is a bit of a character assassination of HPM. I don't want to jump on the bandwagon. Oh all right. Having read lots of HPM posts I'd say he was not rich by western standards. If he really, truly believes this, he is naive or deluding himself. But he's young and there is plenty of time for him to grow up.


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Most people have grown up by 26.


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Hairforever said:
This thread is a bit of a character assassination of HPM. I don't want to jump on the bandwagon. Oh all right. Having read lots of HPM posts I'd say he was not rich by western standards. If he really, truly believes this, he is naive or deluding himself. But he's young and there is plenty of time for him to grow up.

That's what I've been saying, where I come from, a 300K home doesn't mean you're "rich". If he lived in a home valued at around £1 million or 2, then that would make you "rich".

And judging by his spelling and grammar, I highly doubt he had a great education.


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HairPieceMan said:
a twat who is richer/better than you.

see the thing is you put me down for being rich, then i feel the need to mention im better than you.

but all i said is i was rich, its who i am then you brougth the hate to me, so i retalite.

how any hours you work a week mate?

whats the income?

let me guess

32 hours

10K a year


I get 9k for 32 hours. I hope your sides are splitting.


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HPM, I'd like to bet I have more hair than you as well as make more money than you. 3bed room, 3 bath, two other houses, two boats, no kids, and no wife. I don't brag about it because there's no point. Chances are if you're bragging about it, you're not old enough to be making that amount. Drop the mate, mate.